Configuring Global Settings - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 21.1.1

BlueCat Server Update Services Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

Configuring the Global SSH User Account

Before proceeding to use BlueCat Server Update Services to configure your DNS/DHCP Servers, BlueCat Server Update Services must create a SSH connection to the DNS/DHCP servers to install system files that ensure that the service agent on the DNS/DHCP Server can communicate with BlueCat Server Update Services.

If your DNS/DHCP Servers use the same username and password credentials, the Global SSH User Account section can be configured to pre-populate username and password credentials when adding a new DNS/DHCP Server to a batch.

To set the username and password
  1. Click the Preferences tab within the BlueCat Server Update Services workflow.
  2. Under Global SSH User Account, enter the following information:
    • Username—enter the common username that will be used when adding a new DNS/DHCP Server.
    • Password—enter the common password that will be used when adding a new DNS/DHCP Server.
  3. Click Update to save the credentials.

Configuring the BAM API Timeout

In large, dynamic environments, API calls to Address Manager may take longer than expected to create or return content. You can test the Address Manager database connection to ensure that the API calls can successfully send and receive content from Address Manager, and configure the API timeout to stop any API calls that have not been successfully executed within a specified timeout.

To update the BAM API timeout
  1. Under BAM API timeout, enter the following information:
    • Click TEST BAM DB CONNECTION to verify that BlueCat Server Update Services has access to the Address Manager database.
    • API Timeout—select the API timeout period.
  2. Click Update to update the API timeout value.

Configuring the BDDS Connection Timeout

By default, the service agent will refresh the server data in BlueCat Server Update Services every minute. You can configure the timeout to a higher refresh period if needed.

To update the default timeout
  1. Under BDDS Connection Timeout, enter the following information:
    • Agent Timeout Value—select the timeout period.
  2. Click Update to update the timeout value.