Syncing Configuration Templates with servers - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 23.1

BlueCat Server Update Services Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

You can check whether a Configuration Template is out of sync with the server it is assigned to in the BlueCat Server Update Services Dashboard. (Click the Dashboard tab in the BSUS header, then click the Name of the Server Batch that the server belongs to.) The current sync status for between the server and its associated Configuration Template is indicated under the Configuration Status column.

  • If the template settings match the configuration of the listed server, the Configuration Status is listed as Compliant.

  • If the server's configuration does not match its template, the Configuration Status is Non-compliant, flagged with an amber highlight.

To investigate and resolve a Noncompliant configuration:
  • To view the differences between the current server configuration and its associated template, click the Noncompliant status indicator. You can also change the specific template associated with that server, choosing from all templates assigned to that Server Batch.

  • To download the current server configuration, click the Download button () next to the Noncompliant indicator.

    Server configurations are downloaded as JSON files.

  • To sync the assigned Configuration Template with the server, click the Sync button ().

    The server's configuration is updated to match that defined in its associated configuration template.