Configuration information - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 21.3

BlueCat Distributed DDNS Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

The configuration tab contains fields to configure the connection to Address Manager.

Address Manager settings

  1. In the BAM Address field, enter the IP address of your Address Manager server.
  2. In the BAM Username field, enter the Address Manager username that will be writing information Address Manager.
    Note: The username entered must have administrative Address Manager API permissions configured.
  3. In the BAM Password field, enter the password for the Address Manager user.

    The BlueCat Gateway instance attempts to connect to the Address Manager server and retrieve the Configuration names and View names configured the set Address Manager server.

  4. In the Configuration Name or ID field, select the Address Manager configuration that you wish to work with.
  5. In the View Name or ID field, select the Address Manage view that you wish to work with.

Database settings

  1. Select Enable Logging Update Records to enable or disable logging update traffic to the Distributed DDNS Data Node database. The default value is enabled.
  2. Select Keep History For At Most to enable or disable logging of resource record history. If enabled, enter the retention period that resource record history logs are kept for. Any records that are outside of this retention period are removed from the database.
  3. Select Limit Database Size to enable or disable limit the amount of logging information that is written to the database. If enabled, enter the size limit of logs that are written to the database. If the size of the logs written to the database exceeds the limit defined, records are removed from the database.
  4. Select Enable Backup to enable or disable automatic backup service. If enabled, enter the following information:
    • Schedule: enter the frequency at which backups are automatically performed. The supported frequencies are Hourly, Daily, and Weekly.
    • At: enter the time at which backups are automatically performed.
    • On: enter the day of the week at which backups are automatically performed.
    Note: Automatic backups are only performed on the bootstrap node of the Distributed DDNS Data Nodes. Backup data will only be available on the bootstrap node disk. For more information on determining the bootstrap node of the Distributed DDNS Data Node cluster, refer to Restoring database backups.
  5. Select Save Backup Remotely to enable or disable saving backup information to a remote server. You can only enable this option when Enable Backup is configured. Backups are saved remotely based on the configured settings in the Enable Backup section. If enabled, enter the following information:
    • Address: enter the IP address of the remote server that stores the backup information.
    • Directory: enter the directory of the remote server that the backup information will be stored to.
    • User: enter the username that will be used to authenticate with the remote server.
    • Password: enter the password that will be used to authenticate with the remote server.
  6. Click Purge to manually delete information captured by the Enable Logging Update Records and Keep History For At Most settings.
  7. Click Backup history to display a screen that lists all backups that were performed.

    The following image displays an example of the backup history screen.

    Where the columns represent the following:
    • DB Node—displays the IP address of the database node that contains the backup file.
    • Directory—displays the directory that contains the backup file in the node container. This is not the directory on the host machine itself.
    • File—displays the name of the backup file.
    • Status—displays the status of the backup.
    • Save to Remote—displays whether the backup file is sent to a remote host.
    • Auto or Manual—displays the type of backup.
    • Time—displays the time that the backup occurred.

    You can select one or more backup files and click Delete to remove them. Deleting the backup file removes the history from the database, including the backup file on the hard disk.

    For more information on database backups, refer to Configuring Auto Backup service.

BlueCat Scavenging settings

  1. Select Allow Scavenging of Stale Records to enable or disable the scavenging of stale records at the cluster level. If enabled, enter the following information:
    • No-Refresh Interval: The amount of time in which the resource records are not updated before becoming stale.
    • Refresh Interval: The amount of time in which the resource records are updated before becoming stale.
  2. Select Automatic Scavenging of Stale Records to enable or disable the automatic scavenging of stale records. If enabled, enter the following information:
    • Scavenging Period: The frequency in which stale records are automatically scavenged.
  3. Click Save to save the settings.