Releasing IP Address Pools and Sub-Pools - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 22.1

Cisco DNA Generic IPAM Driver Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway
If you no longer require an IP Address Pool or Sub-Pool, you can release the address space.
Note: The IP Address Pool or Sub-Pool must be empty before it can be released. Empty IP Address Pools and Sub-Pools do not contain any Sub-Pools and do not have any assigned IP addresses.

To release IP Address Pools
  1. Log in to your Cisco DNA Center instance.
  2. In the menu, select Design > Network Settings.
  3. In the Network Settings page, select the IP Address Pools tab.
  4. Within the IP Address Pools table, click ... > Delete next to the name of the IP Address Pool that you would like to release or click ... > Release next to the name of the Sub-Pool that you would like to release.
  5. Click Yes to confirm that you would like to release the IP Address Pool or Sub-Pool.
Verifying that the IP Address Pool has been removed from Address Manager
  1. Log in to your Address Manager instance.
  2. Select the IP Space tab.
  3. Under IPv4 Blocks, verify that the updated IP Address Pool or Sub-Pool has been reflected in Address Manager.