AWS Additional Tags Options - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 24.1.1

Cloud Discovery & Visibility Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway
The AWS Additional Tags section of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Setup page lets you specify that CDV add the values of specified AWS resource tags to the BAM entitites created during Discovery jobs. AWS Tag information is added to a BlueCat Address Manager User-Defined Field (BAM UDF), which you specify. You can add tags for all available resources, or for specific types of resources. In all cases, you must specify the names of all AWS resource tags that you want to discover.
Note: This feature is currently supported only for Scheduled Discovery jobs.

This feature requires the following additional permissions:

"Action": [

BAM objects that support discovery of AWS resource tags

CDV can import resource tags from the following BAM objects. If you want to set up UDFs before discovery, you will need a UDF for every BAM object whose tags you want to discover.

AWS resource BAM Object


Address Space



EC2 Instance Device
Load Balancer Device
VPC Endpoint Device
EKS Node Tag

AWS Additional Tags settings

To access these options, in the CDV banner, click AWS, then click the Setup tab and scroll down to AWS Additional Tags.

You can specify as many tags for as many different types of resources as you want. CDV displays the current list of AWS tags that CDV will discover and the UDF in which their values will be stored below the selectable fields. By default, this list is empty.

You can select the following for each entry in the list:

Field/Option Description

Resource Type

The type of resource whose tags you want to discover, such as VPCs. To discover AWS tags for all types, select All Resources.

Tag Name

The name of the AWS tag whose values you want to discover. In BAM, this will appear as the UDF display name. The Tag name cannot use commas (,) or equal signs (=).


(Text only) The BAM UDF name in which tag information will be collected.

  • If you leave this field empty, CDV will generate a UDF name based on the Tag Name, prefixed by CDV-, followed by a hash value.

  • If a UDF with the specified (or default) name does not exist, CDV will create it.

    Note: In order for the BAM account that CDV uses must have permission to create UDFs.
  • If a UDF with this name already exists, CDV will use that UDF.

    Note: The specified UDF must be of type Text.

When you've entered a Resource Type, Tag Name, and BAM UDF, click the Add button to add the specifications to the list of AWS tags to discover.

To remove a specific tag from the list of discovered tags, click the red X button () corresponding to that tag. To remove all the tags for the selected resource type, click Remove.