Azure Configuration Options - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 24.1.1

Cloud Discovery & Visibility Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

The Configuration Options section of the Microsoft Azure Setup page lets you specify how Cloud Discovery & Visibility (CDV) creates BlueCat Configurations in Address Manager when importing discovered Azure infrastructure resources.

You can select from three Configuration modes for Configuration creation conventions:

  • Default: CDV creates separate Address Manager configurations for each resource group. Configurations will be named:

    <Subscription name>/<Resource Group name>


    <Subscription name>/<Resource Group name>/<VNet overlap name>
  • Custom: CDV creates separate Address Manager configurations for each resource group. Configuration names will incorporate the custom name that you enter in the BlueCat Configuration field:

    <Custom BlueCat Configuration name>/<Subscription name>/<Resource Group name>


    <Custom BlueCat Configuration name>/<Subscription name>/<Resource Group name>/<VNet overlap name>
  • Combined: CDV combines resource information from all resource groups into a single Address Manager configuration, with the custom name that you enter in the BlueCat Configuration field:

    <Custom BlueCat Configuration name>


    <Custom BlueCat Configuration name>/<Subscription name>/<Resource Group name>/<VNet overlap name>

Configuration Options settings

The Configuration Options section of the Azure Setup page has the following settings.

Field/Option Description
BlueCat Configuration Mode

Select the Configuration mode for the Configuration creation convention that you want to use:

  • Default: CDV creates separate Address Manager configurations for each region.

  • Custom: CDV creates separate Address Manager configurations for each region. Configuration names will incorporate a custom name that you enter in the BlueCat Configuration field.

  • Combined: CDV combines resource information from all resource groups into a single Address Manager configuration, with the custom name that you enter in the BlueCat Configuration field:

BlueCat Configuration

(Disabled if using the Default Configuration mode for Configuration names.)

A customized name to use for configurations that will be created in Address Manager to hold information about the Azure infrastructure and its resources. When the Configuration mode is Custom or Combined, this field cannot be empty.

Attention: Configuration names cannot contain forward slash characters (/). Doing so can cause issues and errors with Discovery and Visibility of cloud resources.
Note: If you configure Cloud Discovery & Visibility to retrieve data from a Resource group that has overlapping IP addresses in the Virtual Network, CDV creates multiple Configurations in Address Manager depending on the number of VPCs with overlapping IP addresses.

Create overlapping configuration settings

Field/Option Description
Create Overlapping Configuration

Select this checkbox to automatically create additional BAM Configurations for networks that overlap with those from different Discovery jobs within the same resource group. By default, this option is selected.

If cleared, CDV will mark all overlapping Configurations and their resources as DROPPED, and they will not be imported into BAM. If an overlapping network is resolved in the cloud, resources in overlapping configurations will be imported back into the general BAM Configuration.

Note: Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and pods and services within an AKS are never considered overlapping networks. If Kubernetes discovery is enabled, associated Kubernetes Configurations will always be imported.
Regardless of the whether or not this checkbox is selected, overlapping networks will still be dropped under the following circumstances: When two discovery jobs are executed in consecutive order with the same Address Manager Configuration name, and they are discovering VNs in those two different resource groups. When this occurs, in the Discovery Management table (on the Management tab), CDV displays an exclamation icon appears next to the "Completed" status of the discovery job, indicating that VNs have been dropped.
Override Configuration

Select this checkbox to automatically override existing Configurations in Address Manager that have the same name.

Note: If Scheduled Discovery is selected in the Azure Monitoring Options, this checkbox is automatically selected and cannot be changed.