Within CDV, clicking a device displays imported information about the device and other details:
AKS tag hierarchy in Address Manager
CDV imports AKS information into Address Manager as a Tag Group with a hierarchy based on the region, cluster, and node group of the originating AKS data.
This hierarchy uses the following template:
- Tag Group: Always named
Azure Kubernetes Service
- Level 1 tag name: The resource group name from Azure.
- Level 2 tag name: The BlueCat configuration name.
- Level 3 tag name: The cluster name.
- Level 4 tag: The node pool name or agent pool name.
The same tags for clusters, node pools, and agent pools are often used across multiple configurations. This hierarchy helps distinguish similarly-named tags in different configurations from each other.
For example, the tag resource for an agent pool with the name agentpool
in the cluster demo_cni
, that's part of the configuration
in the resource group n-test
appear as follows: