Azure discovery management - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 24.1.1

Cloud Discovery & Visibility Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

The Azure Management page displays scheduled discovery jobs in the Discovery Management table. New scheduled discovery tasks appear in the table after you have created a scheduled task.


In certain scenarios, two networks may be created in two regions that have the same name and came CIDR. If two discovery jobs are executed in consecutive order with the same Address Manager configuration name and the discovery jobs are discovering the VPCs in those two regions, CDV displays an exclamation icon appears next to the status of the discovery job indicating that VPCs have been dropped.

You can click the status of the discovery job to open a pop-up window that displays information about the dropped VPCs in JSON format.

To start, stop, or manage a scheduled discovery job:

  • In the Discovery Management table, select the checkbox next to one or more of the jobs, click , then click one of the following:
    • Start: Start the selected scheduled discovery jobs.
      Note: Starting a scheduled discovery job also starts related discovery tasks.
    • Stop: Stop the selected scheduled discovery jobs.
      Note: Once you have started a scheduled discovery job, the status of the job will not change while the scheduled task is executing.
    • Terminate: Delete the selected discovery jobs.
      Note: Once you have started a scheduled discovery job, the job will only be terminated once the scheduled task has completed executing.
    • Update credential: Update the cloud credentials of the selected scheduled discovery jobs. The updated credentials are applied on the next run of the scheduled task.
    • Update Discovery Options: Update the configured resource objects that are discovered and visible from the selected scheduled discovery jobs. The updated options are applied on the next run of the scheduled task.
    • Update Interval Time: Update the interval time between discovery jobs. The interval indicates the amount of time, in seconds, that Cloud Discovery & Visibility waits after the previous discovery job finishes before starting the next discovery job.
      Note: The updated interval is applied after the next run of the scheduled task.
    • Export Schedule Jobs: Export the scheduled discovery jobs to a file. When exporting the scheduled discovery jobs, you can define a key within the Secret Key field that will be used to encrypt the file.

      For more information, refer to Exporting scheduled discovery jobs.

    • Import Schedule Jobs: Import scheduled discovery jobs from a file. If you encrypted the file, enter the key used to encrypt the file within the Secret Key field to decrypt the file.

      For more information, refer to Importing scheduled discovery jobs.

    Tip: Click to refresh the selected scheduled discovery jobs.

To filter the list of scheduled discovery jobs:

  • In the fields at the top of the list, select or enter the criteria by which you want to filter the list of jobs, then click Apply.

    Only jobs that satisfy your selections will be displayed.

    To clear the filters, click Clear.

    On the GCP Discovery Status table, you can filter by the following fields:

    • ID: The Schedule ID

    • Resource types: Select the checkboxes for the types of resources to display.

    • Status: Select checkboxes for the status of the jobs you want to display (Executing, Stopped, and so on).

    • Job time started: The starting time of the most recent execution for this job.

    • Job time completed: The ending time of the most recent execution for this job.

    • Interval: The schedule's interval time.

    • BAM username: The user name in Address Manager

    • Tenant ID: The Azure Tenant ID.

    • Subscription: The Azure Subscription ID.

    • Resource group: The Azure Resource Group name.

To sort the list of scheduled discovery jobs:

  1. Click the sort button next to the column header of the field that you want to sort by.

    Click the same field's sort button again to sort the list in the opposite direction.

Overlapping VPC regions in the Discovery Management table

After a discovery job is configured and run, the Discovery Management table displays an entry with the status of the discovery job. In some scenarios, two VPCs can be created in two regions with the same name and CIDR. If two discovery jobs are executed in consecutive order with the same Address Manager configuration name, and the discovery jobs are discovering the VPCs in those two regions, CDV flags the status of the discovery job as "Completed (with issues)", with an exclamation mark and caution symbol (). These jobs indicate that overlapping VPCs have been dropped:

For more details about an overlapping discovery job, click its status information. CDV will display a JSON file with information about the dropped VPCs.

Note: On AWS infrastructures, overlapping VPCs have the following additional behaviors.
  • Address Manager Blocks from overlapping VPCs might still get imported into Address Manager.

  • Overlapping VPCs are marked as Dropped. That VPC (and subsequently discovered subnets and associated CIDRs) will not be imported into Address Manager.

  • If a VPC is associated with an overlapping CIDR, that block won't be imported into Address Manager. The VPC's subnets and related devices are removed.

  • If a CIDR is not associated with a VPC, CDV will try to import the VPC even if the VPC is currently Dropped. If the VPC (and its related subnets and devices) is successfully imported to Address Manager, the VPC will be marked as Added.

  • When you delete an overlapping VPC, and the VPC is currently Dropped, CDV will also attempt to remove any imported blocks.

  • If an overlapping Subnet is created (or a Subnet is associated with an overlapping IPv6 CIDR), CDV marks the VPC as Dropped and removes other related Subnets and devices, if any.

  • If an overlapping Subnet is deleted (or the Subnet is disassociated with an overlapping IPv6 CIDR), CDV will attempt to import the VPC back into Address Manager. If the VPC and its related subnets and devices are successfully imported, the VPC will be marked as Added.