Configuration Options - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 21.3.1

Cloud Discovery & Visibility Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

The following section defines how configurations are created in Address Manager upon Azure infrastructure data import.

Under Configuration Options, enter the following information:
  • BLUECAT CONFIGURATION—enter the name of the configuration that will be created in Address Manager that contains the Azure infrastructure information.
    By default, this field is populated with the name of the selected Resource Groups in the Azure Credentials section.
    Attention: The configuration name must not contain the forward slash (/) character as this can cause issues with the discovery and visibility of cloud resources.
    Note: If you configure Cloud Discovery & Visibility Azure to retrieve data from a Resource group that has overlapping IP addresses in the Virtual Network, multiple configurations are created in address Manager depending on the number of VPCs with overlapping IP addresses.
  • Create Separate Configurations for Resource Groups—select this checkbox to create separate configurations in Address Manager for each resource group.
    Attention: Unchecking this option in an environment where Subscription or Resource Groups have overlapping IP addresses in the Virtual Networks can result in unexpected errors and data loss while running discovery and visibility.
  • Override Configuration—select this checkbox to create configurations in Address Manager based on the information in the BLUECAT CONFIGURATION field.
    Note: If you select a Resource Group that has overlapping IP addresses in the Virtual Networks, there will be multiple configurations created in Address Manager depending on the number of Virtual Networks that have overlapping IP addresses.