Configuring CDV with persistent storage - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 24.1.1

Cloud Discovery & Visibility Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

You can configure visibility jobs to use persistent storage to make sure that visibility jobs are not lost and can be restarted in the case of a container shutdown.

To configure the Cloud Discovery & Visibility image with persistent storage:

  1. Create a Docker volume using the following command:

    docker volume create <volume-name>
    Note: A persistence volume can only be used when starting a new container.
  2. Run a new container with the volume created using the following command:

    docker run -d \
    -p 80:8000 \
    -p 443:44300 \
    -v <Path to mapped log directory>:/logs/ \
    -v <Path to mapped workspace directory>:/bluecate_gateway/ \
    -v <volume-name>:/var/lib/postgresql/ \
    -e BAM_IP=<your_bam_ip_address> \
    --name <gateway_container_name> \

When installing a Cloud Discovery & Visibility image with persistent storage, the Override Configuration option is automatically enabled when restarting visibility jobs.

Also, any resources that appear in Address Manager but that found to be removed in the new discovery task are flagged in the Deleted Tagged Resources tab.