Rediscovery of cloud resources - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 24.1.1

Cloud Discovery & Visibility Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

Cloud Discovery & Visibility (CDV) lets you update, delete, and import new cloud resources based on discovery tasks you ran before (even if you can't run visibility tasks on your cloud infrastructure).

The process of rerunning discovery tasks on the same configuration is referred to as rediscovery. During rediscovery, CDV does the following:

  • CDV adds cloud resources that are new to Address Manager since the last discovery task was run.

  • CDV updates resources that were discovered in previous runs (and that exist in Address Manager), but that have changed.

  • CDV tags resources that currently discovered in previous runs and that exist in Address Manager, but that were removed since the previous discovery task. You can view those resources in the Deleted Tagged Resources tab.

    Tip: If you prefer, you can tell CDV to automatically delete those resources when configuring the rediscovery task. To do so, select the Remove Deleted Resources during rediscovery checkbox.

When performing a rediscovery, CDV updates resources in Address Manager for each platform based on the following types of changes.

  • VPC/Subnets
    • Creating a new VPC/Subnet
    • Updating a CIDR of a VPC/Subnet
    • Deleting a VPC/Subnet
  • EC2 instances
    • Creating a new EC2 instance
    • Updating an EC2 instance state
    • Deleting an EC2 instance
  • Load balancers
    • Creating a new load balancer
    • Deleting a load balancer
  • Route 53
    • Creating a new hosted zone
    • Creating a new record
    • Deleting a hosted zone
    • Deleting a record
  • VPC Endpoints
    • Creating a new VPC endpoint
    • Deleting a VPC endpoint
    • Updating a CIDR (IPv4) for a VPC endpoint
    • Updating a security group for a VPC endpoint
  • Elastic Kubernetes Service:
    • Creating a Cluster
    • Deleting a Cluster
    • Creating a Node Group
    • Deleting a Node Group
    • Updating scaling of a Node Group
  • Selective Deployment of changes is not supported for rediscovery.
  • If the name or value of a Cloud DNS record is changed, the record is deleted and reimported into Address Manager as a new record upon rediscovery.
  • Virtual Network/Subnets
    • Creating a new Virtual Network/Subnet
    • Updating a CIDR of a Virtual Network/Subnet
    • Deleting a Virtual Network/Subnet
  • Virtual Machines
    • Creating a new virtual machine
    • Updating a virtual machine state
    • Deleting a virtual machine
  • Load balancers
    • Creating a new load balancer
    • Deleting a load balancer
  • DNS records
    • Creating a new Public or Private
    • Creating a new record
    • Deleting a zone
    • Deleting a record
  • Private Endpoint
    • A new private endpoint has been created.
    • An existing private endpoint has been deleted.
  • Kubernetes Cluster:
    • Creating a Cluster
    • Deleting a Cluster
    • Starting a Cluster
    • Stopping a Cluster
    • Creating a Node Pool of a Kubernetes Cluster
    • Deleting a Node Pool of a Kubernetes Cluster
    • Scaling a Node Pool of a Kubernetes Cluster
  • Selective Deployment of changes is not supported for rediscovery.
  • If the name or value of a Public or Private DNS Zone record is changed, the record is deleted and reimported into Address Manager as a new record upon rediscovery.
  • VPC/Subnets
    • Creating a new VPC/Subnet
    • Updating a CIDR of a VPC/Subnet
    • Deleting a VPC/Subnet
  • Virtual Machines
    • Creating a new virtual machine
    • Updating a virtual machine state
    • Deleting a virtual machine
  • Load balancers
    • Creating a new load balancer
    • Deleting a load balancer
  • DNS Records
    • Creating a new zone
    • Creating a new record
    • Deleting a zone
    • Deleting a record
  • Private Endpoint:
    • Creating a new Private Endpoint
    • Deleting an existing Private Endpoint
  • Kubernetes Engine
    • Creating a Kubernetes cluster
    • Creating a node pool
    • Updating a node pool (resizing)
    • Deleting a node pool
    • Deleting a Kubernetes cluster
    • Selective Deployment of changes is not supported for rediscovery.
    • If the name or value of a Cloud DNS record changes, the record is deleted and reimported into Address Manager as a new record upon rediscovery.