Reference: Azure schedule job configuration file - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 23.1.1

Cloud Discovery & Visibility Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

The following illustrates an unencrypted JSON configuration file that can be produced when exporting Azure scheduled discovery jobs. If needed, you can modify this configuration file to address differences between systems.

  • You can use this or another exported configuration file as a template for a new configuration file that can be imported to a different system.
  • The keys within options keys are required. If necessary, you can modify the values in the options section with valid content for the new system.
Attention: If you wan to run visibility jobs in another CDV instance, BlueCat recommends stopping any running scheduled discovery jobs in the old CDV instance before importing and running the scheduled discovery jobs in the new CDV instance.
   "Microsoft Azure":[
         "platform":"Microsoft Azure",
         "previous_execute_time":"03/17/2023 10:31:17",