Updating credentials of AWS visibility jobs - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 23.3.2

Cloud Discovery & Visibility Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

When working with AWS IAM accounts, access keys rotate every 90 days. You can update your credentials for the visibility jobs in a Visibility Manager and restart them using the UI and API without deleting and recreating new jobs.

To update the AWS credentials for a visibility job
  1. Open the AWS Management page (click the AWS tab in the header, then click the Management tab).

  2. Under Visibility Management, select the checkbox next to one or more visibility managers.

  3. Click and select Update credentials.

  4. Under Update Credentials, enter the following information:

    • AWS Access Key ID: Enter the updated AWS access key ID.

    • AWS Secret Access Key: Enter the updates associated AWS access key ID.

    • AWS Role ARN: Enter the AWS role assumption ARN. The AWS role ARN must be in the following format:


      For example:

  5. When you're done, click Update.

    When you click Update, any visibility jobs with the status Stopped and Imported are restarted.