Visibility Options - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 22.1.1

Cloud Discovery & Visibility Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway
The following section defines the monitoring settings for importing data into Address Manager.
Attention: The Visibility functionality only imports incremental virtual networks, virtual machine, load balancer, DNS zone, and private endpoint changes to Address Manager.

Under Visibility Options, configure the visibility options:
  • Enable Visibility after Discovery—select this checkbox to continuously monitor changes to the discovered resources from the Azure infrastructure.
  • Update DNS (Selective Deployment)—This option is only available when you're connecting to Address Manager v9.3.0 or earlier. Select this checkbox to update the DNS records in Address Manager and selectively deploy the changes to managed BDDS. This checkbox is disabled by default and only available if you select the Enable Visibility after Discovery checkbox.
    Note: When the Update DNS (Selective Deployment) option is selected, the following record changes are selectively deployed:
    • Adding, updating, and deleting Route 53 resource records
    • Updating linked Route 53 zones
    • Deleting EC2 instances
    • Deleting ELBv2 load balancers
    • Deleting VPC endpoints
    Attention: You must perform a full DNS deployment to the managed BDDS before any subsequent selective deployments can be performed.

    If you are configuring the managed BDDS to manage the cloud infrastructure exclusively, you can perform a discovery job to import the cloud infrastructure into your Address Manager. Once the view and zone information have been successfully imported into Address Manager, you can configure primary and secondary DNS roles for the selected managed BDDS and perform a full DNS deployment. Once the DNS data is deployed to the managed BDDS, you can enable the visibility job to continuously monitor changes to your cloud DNS infrastructure and selectively deploy those changes to the managed BDDS.

  • ADDRESS MANAGER USERNAME—enter the username of the Address Manager user.
    Note: This user should be an administrative API user with full permissions.
  • ADDRESS MANAGER PASSWORD—enter the password of the Address Manager user.
  • Override Queue and Notification Default Names—select this checkbox to define a custom Service Bus Namespace name, Service Bus Queue name, and Event Grid Subscription name that will be used to retrieve data from your Azure infrastructure. Selecting this checkbox displays the following fields:
    • SERVICE BUS NAMESPACE NAME—enter the name of the Service Bus Namespace that will be used to retrieve data from Azure.
    • SERVICE BUS QUEUE NAME—enter the name of the Service Bus Queue that will be used to retrieve data from Azure.
    • EVENT GRID SUBSCRIPTION NAME—enter the name of the Event Grid Subscription that will be used to retrieve data from Azure.

    If you enter a name that already exists, a message box appears indicating that the name exists in the resource group. Click Cancel if you are unsure if the name that exists is yours, as it will affect other Visibility jobs using that name. Click Reuse to confirm that the name will not impact other Visibility jobs using that name.

    Attention: Behavior when overriding queue and notification default names
    • If you reuse the existing Event Grid Subscription name, any changes in the filter will update it within your Azure environment. If you do not have permissions to update the Event Grid Subscription name, contact your administrator to modify it to the existing Event Grid Subscription name.
    • The filter will update if you modify any Discovery Options within the same Visibility job.
    • If any errors occur due to modifications of the filter, older information will be used and the following error is displayed in the UI:

    • To avoid conflicts, each Visibility job should not reuse the Service Bus Queue and Event Grid Subscription of another Visibility job. As a best practice, do not reuse the name of an existing Service Bus Namespace, Service Bus Queue, or Event Grid Subscription that does not belong to you.