Installing package dependencies - Adaptive Plugins - BlueCat Gateway - 20.6.1

DHCP Template Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

To install the required package dependencies:

  1. From the Linux console of the BlueCat Gateway host machine, run the following command to restart the BlueCat Gateway container:
    #sudo docker container restart <gateway_container_name>
  2. Run the following command to install the required libraries for the DHCP Template package:
    #sudo docker exec <gateway_container_name> pip install -r \
    /portal/bluecat_portal/workflows/dhcp_template/requirements.txt --user
  3. Run the following command to restart the BlueCat Gateway container:
    #sudo docker container restart <gateway_container_name>
Once the BlueCat Gateway container has restarted, you can proceed to configure the workflow permissions from the BlueCat Gateway user interface.