Authentication - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 24.3.3

Gateway Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

BlueCat Gateway can authenticate users using BlueCat Address Manager (BAM) or Micetro. Gateway cannot authenticate with both Micetro and BAM at the same time.

BAM Authentication

BlueCat Gateway handles authentication via the BAM REST API (described in Installing and upgrading Gateway). Authentication is slightly different between UI pages and REST API calls:

  • Gateway UI: Authentication is enforced with browser cookies and a login screen.

  • REST API: Basic authentication is based on a token that the user must pass with each call. If supported, the token is also stored in a cookie.

For more details about BAM Authentication, see Basic authentication and Bearer authentication in the Address Manager RESTful v2 API Guide.

Micetro Authentication

Gateway uses the Micetro REST API with Basic Authentication. Credentials are base64-encoded and stored in the request header. That means the session will not time out in Gateway unless the user logs out.

  • Gateway UI: Authentication is enforced with browser cookies and a login screen.

  • REST API: Basic authentication is based on a token that the user must pass with each call. If supported, the token is also stored in a cookie.

For more details on Micetro authentication, see API Authentication Methods in the Micetro User Guide.