Available Python APIs - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 24.3.3

Gateway Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

BlueCat Gateway includes several API clients that can be used to interface with BlueCat Gateway and Address Manager.

There are two general sources of APIs:

  • BlueCat Gateway Python APIs: Available only within a BlueCat Gateway instance. Intended for use when building custom workflows.

    These API clients are provided by BlueCat Gateway.

  • BlueCat Library APIs: These APIs are also available outside of BlueCat Gateway, through use of the BlueCat Library package. That is, that you can write a Python application that imports the Bluecat Library package, then use the APIs directly in your code to communicate with Address Manager without running an instance of Gateway.

Gateway-provided Python APIs

Gateway Python APIs are available to workflows running in a Gateway instance. They provide tools for writing custom workflows and integrating them with Gateway, as well as clients for accessing Address Manager APIs. Workflows running in Gateway do not have to create their own clients to the Address Manager RESTful API, but can use the authenticated instances provided by the Gateway platform.This avoids the need to log in to Address Manager and maintain user sessions.

Gateway Python APIs are:

  • Address Manager REST v2 API Client

    The REST v2 API client lets workflow developers access the Address Manager RESTful v2 API within workflows. It lets you send RESTful v2 API calls to the running Address Manager RESTful API through that client.

    The RESTful v2 API in Address Manager is a complete revision of Address Manager's previous API (now referred to as the Address Manager REST v1 API). For more details on the Gateway's Address Manager RESTful v2 API, see Using the Address Manager REST v2 API client.

    Note: Gateway includes clients that let you access either the REST v1 or REST v2 APIs from Address Manager. However, only one can be used within the same Gateway instance. As such, the decision of which Address Manager client to use can be complex. For more details, see Choosing between the REST v1 and REST v2 APIs.
  • Legacy Address Manager REST v1 API Client

    Provides access to the BlueCat Address Manager API features and functionality. All of these clients and methods can be used only if the REST v1 client is the active Address Manager REST API client.

    For details and examples about using these API clients, including a complete API reference, see Address Manager REST v1 API client reference.

  • Gateway platform API

    Provides tools for writing and integrating workflows in Gateway. For more details and an API reference, see Gateway platform API reference.

  • Availability group API

    Provides access to Availability group features and functionality. Availability groups implement a standardized failover mechanism to help achieve high availability.

BlueCat Library-provided APIs

BlueCat Library APIs are provided by the bluecat-libraries package. They can be used both within a Gateway workflow and in a standalone Python application, without the need for BlueCat Gateway. The BlueCat Library APIs provide access to Address Manager and BlueCat Edge features and functionality.

API clients provided by BlueCat Library are:

  • BlueCat Library Address Manager REST v1 API Client

    This API parallels the REST v1 API available within Gateway. It provides access to the Legacy v1 API in Address Manager. It consists of a set of "wrappers" for Address Manager REST v1 API resources. When you call a wrapper from a Gateway workflow, it passes on the request to the associated item in Address Manager.

    For more details and an API reference, see Address Manager REST v1 API reference.

  • BlueCat Library Address Manager REST v2 API Client

    This API client provides access to the RESTful v2 API in Address Manager. The RESTful v2 API in Address Manager is a complete revision of Address Manager's previous API (now referred to as the Address Manager Legacy v1 API).

    For more details and an API reference, see Address Manager REST v2 API client reference.

  • Address Manager Failover client

    Provides access to the to the Failover API in Address Manager. The Failover API is an Address Manager service that enables an externally-automated failover when the primary instance of Address Manager fails.

    For more details, see Address Manager Failover Client.

  • BlueCat Edge Python API

    Provides an API for key BlueCat Edge use-cases, including Service Point status and better filtering of top queried external domains.

    For more details and an API reference, see BlueCat Edge Python API reference.