Best practices for custom Apache configuration files - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 24.2

Gateway Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

Settings you make within the Apache configuration files (global.conf, http.conf and https.conf) will override those you make in the BlueCat Gateway application. Some settings can cause BlueCat Gateway features to fail or behave differently. When working with the Global configuration file, we recommend the following as best practices.

The following settings are safe. We recommend you define these within the global.conf file:

  • ServerName

  • ServerAdmin

  • TimeOut

BlueCat Gateway makes use of the following settings, but you can override them in global.conf when needed:

  • ServerTokens

  • ServerSignature

  • TraceEnable

We recommend you avoid setting the following, which can affect BlueCat Gateway's logging features.

  • ErrorLogFormat

  • ErrorLog

  • CustomLog