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(api, api_entity)
Bases: bluecat.configuration.IP4SpaceConfiguration
The configuration class wraps the BAM Configuration Entity type. Generally, most API use cases start with retrieving one or more configurations from where other object types may be retrieved.
MAX_COUNT = 1000
add_ip4_block_by_cidr(cidr, properties='')
Create a new ip4 child block using CIDR.
Parameters | Description |
cidr (str) |
the CIDR notation defining the block (for example, 10.10/16). |
properties (str, optional) |
A string containing options. |
Return type: APIEntity
Returns: Returns an APIEntity for the created IPv4 block object.
add_ip4_block_by_range(start, end, properties='')
Create a new ip4 child block by defining an address range.
Parameters | Description |
start (str) |
An IP address defining the lowest address or start of the block. |
end (str) |
An IP address defining the highest address or end of the block. |
properties (str, optional) |
A string containing options. |
Return type: APIEntity
Returns: Returns an APIEntity for the created IPv4 block object.
add_mac_address(address, name='', mac_pool=None, properties='')
Adds a mac address object.
Parameters | Description |
address (str) |
The MAC address in the format nnnnnnnnnnnn, nn-nn-nn-nn-nn-nn or nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn, where nn is a hexadecimal value. |
name (str, optional) |
Name of the MAC address (optional). |
mac_pool (object, optional) |
The MAC Pool object. |
properties (str, optional) |
A string containing options. |
Return type: Entity
Returns: The added MAC address object.
add_raw_deployment_option(option_type, raw_data, properties='')
Parameters | Description |
option_type (str) |
the option types for Raw Deployment Options, the Three options are DNS_RAW, DHCP_RAW, DHCPV6_RAW. |
raw_data (Any) |
the raw option value for the deployment option. |
properties (str, optional) |
the properties of the raw option, if it is an DNSRawOption you need to set server in properties |
Return type: Entity
Returns: Returns an instance of the type DNSOption that represents the DNS deployment option.
add_response_policy(name, policy_type, ttl=300, properties='')
Adds a response policy to the configuration.
Parameters | Description |
name (str) |
The name of the DNS response policy. |
policy_type (str) |
The type of response policy. The values to be used are defined in the constants class
ttl (int, optional) |
The time-to-live value in seconds. |
properties (str, optional) |
A string containing options, including comments and user-defined fields. |
Return type: ResponsePolicy
Returns: The policy object that was added.
from bluecat.constants import ResponsePolicy
api = g.user.get_api() # get api object
configuration_id = 100001 # configuration id
config = api.get_entity_by_id(configuration_id)
policy = config.add_response_policy('testpolicy',
ttl=200, properties='test')
add_server(name, address, host_name, profile=ServerCapabilityProfiles.DNS_DHCP_GEN4_2000, properties='password=bluecat|connected=true|upgrade=False')
Parameters | Description |
name (str) |
The name of the server within Address Manager. |
address (str) |
The physical IP address for the server within Address Manager. |
host_name (str) |
The DNS FQDN by which the server is referenced. |
profile (str, optional) |
The server capability profile. Defaults to ‘DNS_DHCP_GEN4_2000’ |
properties (str, optional) |
Defaults to ‘password=bluecat|connected=true|upgrade=False’ |
Return type: Entity
Returns: Server entity added.
add_tftp_group(name, properties='')
Parameters | Description |
name (str) |
The name of the TFTP group. |
properties (str, optional) |
Adds object properties, including comments and user-defined fields. |
Return type: Entity
Returns: TFTPGroup entity added.
add_view(name, properties='')
Add View
Parameters | Description |
name (str) |
The name of the view. |
properties (str, optional) |
Adds object properties, including user-defined fields. |
Returns: An instance of the created View
assign_ip4_address(address, mac_address, hostinfo, action, properties='')
Assign an IPv4 address (e.g. ‘’).
Parameters | Description |
address (str) |
(e.g. ‘’) |
mac_address (str) |
(e.g. ‘“00-00-00-00-00-01’) |
hostinfo (str) |
A string containing host information for the address in the following format: [hostname,viewId,reverseFlag,sameAsZoneFlag, ….]. Where:
The comma-separated parameters may be repeated in the order shown above. The string must not end with a comma. |
action (str) |
properties (str, optional) |
A string containing options. |
Return type: APIEntity
Returns: Returns an APIEntity for the assigned IPv4 address object.
assign_ip6_address(action, address, mac_address='', hostinfo='', duid='', properties='')
Assign an IPv6 address
Parameters | Description |
action (str) |
address (str) |
(e.g. ‘FC01:1:1:1::/64’) |
mac_address (str, optional) |
(e.g. ‘00-00-00-00-00-01’) |
hostinfo |
A string containing host information for the address in the following format: [viewId,hostname,reverseFlag,sameAsZoneFlag, …]
The comma-separated parameters may be repeated in the order shown above. The string must not end with a comma. |
duid (str, optional) |
(e.g. ‘00-01-00-01-14-77-21-A2-00-50-56-AA-5E-EE’) |
properties (str, optional) |
A string containing options. |
Return type: Entity
Returns: Returns the updated IPv6Address
assign_next_available_ip4_address(mac_address, hostinfo, action, properties='')
Assigns next available IPv4 address.
Parameters | Description |
mac_address (str) |
(e.g. ‘00-00-00-00-00-01’) |
hostinfo (str) |
A string containing host information for the address in the following format: [hostname,viewId,reverseFlag,sameAsZoneFlag, …]. Where:
The comma-separated parameters may be repeated in the order shown above. The string must not end with a comma. |
action (str) |
properties (str, optional) |
A string containing options. Properties include:
Return type: APIEntity
Returns: Returns an APIEntity for the assigned IPv4 address object.
create_xha_pair(active_server, passive_server, active_server_new_ip, properties='', max_wait=1200)
Parameters | Description |
active_server (int) |
For example, 00-00-00-00-00-01 |
passive_server (int) |
active_server_new_ip (str) |
The new IPv4 address for the active server. |
properties (str, optional) |
A string containing options. |
max_wait (int, optional) |
Amount of time to wait for xHA pair to be created in seconds. |
Return type: Entity
Returns: Active BDDS server entity object if successful. Exception on failure.
find_response_policy_with_item(item_name, properties='')
Get the response policies that contain an item with the specified name.
Parameters | Description |
item_name (str) |
The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the response policy item. |
properties (str, optional) |
Reserved for future use. |
Return type: list
Returns: Returns an array of response policy with the item_name in them.
api = g.user.get_api() # get api object
configuration_id = 100001 # configuration id
config = api.get_entity_by_id(configuration_id)
policy_list = config.find_response_policy_with_item('testpolicy')
get_deployment_options(option_types, server)
Get deployment Option for the entity.
Parameters | Description |
option_types (list) |
the Deployment option type you would like to search, Includes
server (Any) |
the server which the deployment option is attached to, there are 3 options:
Return type: list
get_entity_by_cidr(cidr, entity_type='IP4Block')
Returns an IPv4 Block object by calling the block using CIDR notation.
Parameters | Description |
cidr (str) |
CIDR notation defining the block to be returned (for example, 10.10/16). |
entity_type (str, optional) |
The type of object returned: IP4Block. |
Return type: APIEntity
Returns: The specified IPv4 block object from the database.
get_host_records_by_ip(ip4_objects, version=1)
Use this method to find Host Records associated with a set of IPv4 addresses.
This API method requires the following:
BAM v9.0.0 or greater
Configuration of the BlueCat Gateway server IP address in the BAM Administration Console. For more information, refer to the section ‘Adding host access to the database’ in the Address Manager Administration Guide.
Parameters | Description |
ip4_objects (list[]) |
List of IPv4 address objects. |
version (int, optional) |
Version of API. Current version support: 1 |
Return type: Iterator[tuple]
Returns: Returns a generator that yields tuples, where each tuple contains an IPv4 address object and the list of Host Records objects associated with it.
BAMException – If there is an exception in retrieving host records.
PortalException – If BAM version is lower than 9.0.0.
PortalException – If version is not supported
api = g.user.get_api() # get api object
configuration = api.get_configuration('config') # get configuration object
ip4_address = api.get_entity_by_id(101873) # IP4 address objects to search
for ip_address in configuration.get_host_records_by_ip([ip4_address]):
for host in ip_address[1]:
Get an IPv4 address by IP (e.g. ‘’).
Parameters | Description |
address (str) |
the IPv4 address string. |
Return type: IP4Address
Returns: Returns the requested APIEntity of IPv4 Address object.
Get the IPv4 blocks directly underneath the current configuration or block. Note that blocks form the nodes of a tree with networks being the leaves.
Return type: Iterable
Returns: Returns an iterator of DHCPv4 range objects from the database.
Search for IPv4 networks using their ip prefix in the configuration or block. Returns an array of IPv4 networks found under the container object. Currently only allows hints using ip prefix.
Parameters | Description |
ip_prefix (str) |
The beginning ip prefix of the networks you wish to find. ex. ‘172’, ‘192.27’, ‘100.100.100.’ |
Return type: list
Returns: Returns an array of IPv4 networks based on the input argument or returns an empty list if no results are found.
Get an IPv6 Address
Parameters | Description |
address |
Address to be retrieved |
Return type: Entity
Return the IPv6 global unicast address space block
Return type: Entity
get_ip6_objects_by_hint(hint, access_right='', count=10)
Gets an array of IPv6 objects.
Parameters | Description |
hint (str) |
The partial or full name of the IPv6 objects. |
access_right (str, optional) |
The access right of the requested objects. |
count (int, optional) |
The number of elements to return. |
from bluecat.constants import AccessRightValues
api = g.user.get_api() # get api object
configuration_id = 100001 # configuration id
config = api.get_entity_by_id(configuration_id)
ip6_networks = config.get_ip6_objects_by_hint('2001', access_right=AccessRightValues.AddAccess,
for network in ip6_networks:
Return type: list
Return the IPv6 unique local address space block
Return type: Entity
get_ip_range_by_ip(entity_type, address)
This method has been deprecated, use get_ip_ranged_by_ip instead.
Use this method to find the Configuration, IPv4 Block, IPv6 Block, IPv4 Network, IPv6 Network, DHCP Range, or DHCPv6 range containing a specified address. You can specify the type of object to be returned, or you can leave the type of object empty to find the most direct container for the object.
Parameters | Description |
entity_type (str) |
The type of object containing the IPv4 or IPv6 address. Specify EntityType.IP4Block, EntityType.IP4Network, or EntityType.DHCP4Range to find the block, network, or range containing the IPv4 address. Specify EntityType.IP6Block, EntityType.IP6Network, or EntityType.DHCP6Range to find the block, network, or range containing the IPv6 address. Specify an empty string (“”) to return the most direct container for the IPv4 address or IPv6 address. |
address (str) |
An IPv4 address or Ipv6 address. |
Return type: APIEntity
Returns: Returns an APIEntity for the object containing the specified address. If EntityType.IP4Block, EntityType.IP6Block, EntityType.IP4Network, EntityType.IP6Network, EntityType.DHCP4Range, or EntityType.DHCP6Range is specified as the type parameter, returns an object of the specified type. If an empty string (“”) is specified as the type parameter, returns the most direct container for the IPv4 address or IPv6 address.
PortalException – if no object matching the entity_type and address is found.
get_ip_ranged_by_ip(entity_type, address)
Use this method to find the Configuration, IPv4 Block, IPv6 Block, IPv4 Network, IPv6 Network, DHCP Range, or DHCPv6 range containing a specified address. You can specify the type of object to be returned, or you can leave the type of object empty to find the most direct container for the object.
Parameters | Description |
entity_type (str) |
The type of object containing the IPv4 or IPv6 address. Specify EntityType.IP4Block, EntityType.IP4Network, or EntityType.DHCP4Range to find the block, network, or range containing the IPv4 address. Specify EntityType.IP6Block, EntityType.IP6Network, or EntityType.DHCP6Range to find the block, network, or range containing the IPv6 address. Specify an empty string (“”) to return the most direct container for the IPv4 address or IPv6 address. |
address (str) |
An IPv4 address or Ipv6 address. |
Return type: APIEntity
Returns: Returns an APIEntity for the object containing the specified address. If EntityType.IP4Block, EntityType.IP6Block, EntityType.IP4Network, EntityType.IP6Network, EntityType.DHCP4Range, or EntityType.DHCP6Range is specified as the type parameter, returns an object of the specified type. If an empty string (“”) is specified as the type parameter, returns the most direct container for the IPv4 address or IPv6 address.
PortalException – if no object matching the entity_type and address is found.
Retrieves a MAC address object by MAC address.
Parameters | Description |
address (str) |
The MAC address in the format nnnnnnnnnnnn, nn-nn-nn-nn-nn-nn or nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn, where nn is a hexadecimal value. |
Return type: Entity
Returns: The MAC address object.
Gets next available IPv4 address in current configuration
Return type: str
Returns: Returns the next available IPv4 address in an existing network as a string.
get_next_available_ip4_network(size, is_larger_allowed=False, auto_create=True)
Returns the next available (unused) network within a configuration or block.
Parameters | Description |
size (int) |
The size of the network, expressed as a power of 2 |
is_larger_allowed (bool, optional) |
indicates whether to return larger networks than those specified with the size parameter |
auto_create (bool, optional) |
indicates whether the next available network should be created if it does not exist. |
Return type: str
Returns: Returns the next available (unused) network or None.
get_next_available_ip_range(size, entity_type, properties='')
Returns the existing next available IPv4 range or, if the next available IP range does not exist and autoCreate-
was set to true, the newly created IPv4 range.
Parameters | Description |
size (int) |
The size of the range, expressed as a power of 2. |
entity_type (str) |
The type of the range object to be fetched. Currently IPv4 block and network are supported. |
properties (str, optional) |
A string containing options. |
Return type: dict
Returns: Returns the next available (unused) block or network within a configuration or block.
get_next_available_ip_ranges(size, max_results, properties='')
Finds or creates unused IPv4 Networks of the specified size.
Parameters | Description |
size (int) |
The size of the range, expressed as a power of 2. |
max_results (int) |
The number of networks to be found or created. |
properties (str, optional) |
A string containing options. |
Return type: list
Returns: A list of newly created IPv4Networks.
Get the next available IPv4 address (as a string) optionally excluding a given list of addresses.
Parameters | Description |
exclude (str, optional) |
which addresses (as a list of strings) to exclude. |
Return type: str
This method has been deprecated, use get_next_ip4_address instead.
Get the next available IPv4 address (as a string) optionally excluding a given list of addresses.
Parameters | Description |
exclude (str, optional) |
which addresses (as a list of strings) to exclude. |
Return type: str
Get a named server. Returns None if the server wasn’t found.
Return type: Entity
Get a list of all the servers in a configuration.
Return type: Iterator
get_tsig_keys(start=0, count=100)
List TSIG keys defined within the configuration.
This API method requires the following:
BAM v9.1.0 or greater.
Parameters | Description |
start (int, optional) |
Indicates where in the list of objects to start returning objects. The list begins at an index of 0. Defaults to 0. |
count (int, optional) |
The maximum number of elements to be returned. Defaults to 100. |
Return type: TSIGKey]
Returns: An iterable of instances of TSIGKey.
api = g.user.get_api() # a user-aware bluecat.api.API instance
configuration_id = 100001 # ID of a Configuration
configuration = api.get_entity_by_id(configuration_id)
keys = configuration.get_tsig_keys(start=0, count=10)
for key in keys:
New in version 20.3.1.
Get a named view (ref: split horizon DNS) out of a configuration. An exception is raised if the view doesn’t exist.
Return type: View
Get an Iterator for all child views (ref: split horizon DNS) of the configuration.
Return type: Iterator
Returns: Iterator for View entities
Get an array of accessible zones under the configuration.
Parameters | Description |
hint (int) |
The partial or full name of the zone. |
Return type: list
Returns: Returns an array of any zones (the FQDN of the zone) that match the given hint as data in JSON, using the result template format. The array contains a maximum of 10 elements.
is_address_allocated(address, mac_address)
Checks if an IPv4 address is allocated in the current configuration.
Parameters | Description |
address (str) |
The IPv4 address string. |
mac_address (str) |
The MAC address associated with the IPv4 DHCP allocated address. The MAC address can be specified in the format nnnnnnnnnnnn, nn-nn-nn-nn-nn-nn or nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn, where nn is a hexadecimal value. |
Return type: bool
Returns: True/False
is_ip4_address_allocated(address, mac_address)
This method has been deprecated, use is_address_allocated instead.
Checks if an IPv4 address is allocated in the current configuration.
Parameters | Description |
address (str) |
The IPv4 address string. |
mac_address (str) |
The MAC address associated with the IPv4 DHCP allocated address. The MAC address can be specified in the format nnnnnnnnnnnn, nn-nn-nn-nn-nn-nn or nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn, where nn is a hexadecimal value. |
Return type: bool
Returns: True/False