Configuring BAM settings - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 24.2

Gateway Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway
BAM settings (located under General configuration) let you:
  • Add or remove instances of BlueCat Address Manager (BAM) to which Gateway will connect

  • Specify a default Address Manager Configuration or View

Note: If you passed the BAM IP address as an environment variable when first setting up BlueCat Gateway, Gateway will display the IP address in the General Configuration workflow.

To configure BAM connections:

  1. Open the General Configuration window. (Click the Navigator button if necessary, then click Configurations > General configuration.)

    The General configuration page opens. If the BAM settings are not displayed click BAM to expand it.

  2. Modify the list of BAMs as desired.

    To add a new BAM:

    1. (Optional) In BAM alias, enter a unique user-friendly identifier for the BAM. For example, "Primary", "Secondary", "Test", or "Production".

    2. In Protocol, select http:// or https:// from the drop-down menu.

    3. In Address, enter the IP address or fully-qualified domain name of the primary BAM.

      Note: Any path information in the BAM URL or IP address is ignored.
    4. When you're done, click the Add button next to the Address.

      To add another BAM, simply repeat the above steps.

    To prioritize the list of added BAMs and set the default BAM:

    1. Click a BAM entry's handle () and drag the BAM to a new spot in the list.

      Tip: Gateway will use the top BAM in the list as the default BAM.

    To remove a BAM:

    • Click the X in the top right corner of the BAM's entry in the list.

    To add another BAM, simply repeat the above steps.
    Attention: Use caution when removing BAMs.

    If you remove any configured BAM (not just the primary one) that is being used to authenticate BlueCat Gateway, the system will terminate all user sessions connected to that BAM and redirect you to the login page.

  3. (Optional) Enter the name of your Default Configuration as it appears in Address Manager. All workflows will be executed against that specific configuration.

  4. (Optional) Enter the name of your Default View as it appears in Address Manager. All workflows will be executed against that specific DNS view.

  5. When you're done, click Save.

    To cancel your changes, click Cancel.