Add your organization's logo to BlueCat Gateway, specify the theme/color palette that Gateway should use when displaying its web UI, and select a color theme. You can also configure Gateway to log in users upon visiting the index page automatically.
Log in to BlueCat Gateway.
. -
Click Interface to open the Interface configuration screen.
- Edit the visual appearance of the UI as desired:
In UI Customizations File, click Browse to upload custom theme/color palette to BlueCat Gateway.
For more details on creating a customized UI theme, see Customizing the color palette.
In UI Theme, select the desired theme from the list. You can select any theme you uploaded, or one of Gateway's built-in themes (original_dark_theme or the default standard_light_theme).
In Login Page Logo, select the logo to use on the Login Page.
To use the BlueCat logo, select either the BlueCat Light Logo or the BlueCat Dark Logo. To use a customized logo, select Custom, then click Browse and browse to the logo file you want to use. You can upload any image file format supported by your browser.
Tip: Light logos work best with dark themes. Dark logos work best with light themes. -
In Panel Logo, click Browse to select the logo that appears on Panels. By default, Gateway uses the BlueCat Gateway logo.
You can use any image file format supported by your browser.
To use the Autologin feature, click to select the Enable Autologin check box. The Autologin Module Path field is activated. Click Browse to select your authentication.
The file type for the autologin module depends on what the autologin module does. You can customize the autologin module to suit your needs. However, your autologin module must implement the get username and get password functions. BlueCat recommends that passwords never be hardcoded in the configuration file, so the responsibility of fetching login credentials must be delegated to helper functions.Note: You must save the autologin credentials in JSON format under the workspace directory and specify the file name in the helper functions. -
When you're done, click Save.
Tip: You can also configure the Login Page Logo through settings in theconfig.json
configuration file:{
}- To use the default light or dark logo shipped with BlueCat Gateway, set
to eitherlight
, respectively. - To use a custom logo, set
to a path that’s relative to<workspace>/resources/images
. Place the custom logo image in<workspace>/resources/images/login_logo_custom_file
- To use the default light or dark logo shipped with BlueCat Gateway, set