Configuring Gateway user groups - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 24.3.3

Gateway Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

You can use the Group Settings workflow page to add user groups and configure settings that apply to all members of a specific user group. You can:

  • Set a default landing page for specific user groups when they log in to BlueCat Gateway. This can be an endpoint in the current active Gateway instance or a URL to an external web resource.

  • Show or hide the BlueCat Address Manager (BAM) IP address from members of a group.

  • Make the BlueCat Gateway Help and Documentation available or unavailable for specific user groups.

BlueCat Gateway User Groups are defined by a BlueCatGateway user-defined field (UDF) in BlueCat Address Manager. The UDF must be created first in the Address Manager UI. The value of the UDF must match the name of the User Group defined in Gateway in order for the Gateway User Group to be granted permissions to use a workflow.

Standard user groups include admin (for users with full administrative powers) and all (all Gateway users).

  • Assigning the all group to a workflow assigns all users access to that workflow.

  • Assigning the admin group to a workflow assigns only administrative users to that workflow.

Where a user is defined depends on whether it is an administrative user or a non-administrative user.

  • All non-admin users must be defined in the Group Settings workflow by a BlueCatGateway UDF value.

  • Administrative users can be defined in the Group Settings workflow either by a BlueCatGateway UDF value or by a BlueCat Gateway user group created in Address Manager. This user group must still be granted permissions in BlueCat Gateway.

Note: Gateway user groups are distinct from Address Manager user groups.

If a user doesn't have permissions to any workflow and is not assigned a default landing page, then the user will receive a 403 error (Forbidden) upon login to BlueCat Gateway.

Adding Gateway user groups

To create a new user group and set its behavior:
  1. Open the Group Settings window. (Click the Navigator button if necessary, then click Configurations > Group Settings.)

  2. Click Add new group.

  3. In Group name, enter the name of the new group.

    The name of the Gateway user group is the value for the User-Defined Field (UDF) BlueCatGateway in Address Manager (on the NamedUser object).

  4. Fill in the rest of the settings for the new user group as desired.

    For a list of settings and what they do, see Group settings list below.

  5. When you're done, click Save. Gateway automatically updates the setting for the BlueCatGateway UDF.

    To instead cancel creation of the new group, click Cancel.

Editing Gateway user groups

To edit settings for a user group:
  1. Open the Group Settings window. (Click the Navigator button if necessary, then click Configurations > Group Settings.)

  2. In the list of user groups, click the group you want to edit.

    Gateway opens the settings pane for the group.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Fill in the rest of the settings for the new user group as desired.

    For a list of settings and what they do, see Group settings list below.

  5. Edit the settings for the new user group as desired.

    For a list of settings and what they do, see Group settings list below.

  6. When you're done, click Save. Gateway automatically updates the setting for the BlueCatGateway UDF.

    To instead cancel creation of the new group, click Cancel.

Group settings list

You can configure the following settings when creating or editing user groups.

Tip: The ID for each setting is useful when building a custom workflow that manipulates those settings. If you're just configuring the setting in the Gateway UI, you can ignore this information.
Setting Description

Landing page

ID: landing_page

The endpoint or URL to use as a default landing page for that user group when they log in to BlueCat Gateway.

When you use endpoints, they will be applied to the active Gateway instance. For example:

  • To set the landing page to the Workflow permissions page, use:
  • To set the landing page to the standard Gateway home page (with a set of tiles with all available workflows for that group), use:

To instead redirect users to an external web page or resource, enter the target page's full URL including the http:// or https:// prefix.

Show BAM

ID: show_bam

Specifies whether the BlueCat Address Manager (BAM) address/alias is available to the user group.

To show the BAM IP to members of the user group, select this checkbox.

To hide the BAM IP from members of the user group, clear this checkbox.

Show help

ID: show_help

Specifies whether the Help link in the top right corner of the Gateway UI appears for this user group. The Help link opens an internal version of the Gateway Administration Guide. should be available to specific user groups.

BlueCat Gateway is aimed at both developers and administrators. That means you might want to hide access to the full scope of the Gateway API and administration documentation so as to avoid mistakes or misuse by specific users and user groups.

To reveal the Help link to the user group, select this checkbox.

To hide the Help link from the user group, clear this checkbox.

Tip: The latest version of Gateway guides (including the Gateway Administration Guide) are always available online on the BlueCat Product Documentation portal.