Customizing the color palette - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 24.2

Gateway Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

You can customize the color palette for BlueCat Gateway by uploading a ui_customizations.json file to the General Configuration workflow.

Note: Color palette changes apply only to workflows that use legacy Gateway UI elements (typically custom workflows and some adaptive applications). They currently do not apply to the updated Gateway UI introduced in BlueCat Gateway v23.2.

Each entry in the JSON file defines a different theme. For example:

    "original_dark_theme": {
        "color_palette": "default",
        "colors": {
            "foreground_01": "#0073ae",
            "foreground_01_text": "#ffffff",
            "foreground_01_link": "#000000",
            "background_01": "#182a43",
            "background_01_text": "#eeeeee",
            "background_01_link": "#0093b8",
            "background_01_link_02": "#FFFFFF",
            "background_01_text_02": "#969696",
            "success": "#76ce66",
            "warning": "#ffc107",
            "error": "#ff0000"

    "orange_theme": {
        "color_palette": "default",
        "colors":  {
            "foreground_01": "#f58220",
            "foreground_01_text": "#eeeeee",
            "foreground_01_link": "#000000",
            "background_01": "#eeeeee",
            "background_01_text": "#000000",
            "background_01_link": "#cb4814",
            "background_01_link_02": "#000000",
            "background_01_text_02": "#4a4a4a",
            "success": "#22aa00",
            "warning": "#d29e00",
            "error": "#ff0000"
The "standard_light_theme" is the default theme. To define a new theme, copy an existing theme and paste it as a new entry, then change the name/key to something not in use by any other theme (for example, "new_dark_theme"). Then change the colors as defined by the hex codes to whatever you like, restart BlueCat Gateway, and see what changed to determine if you like the new colors.
Note: You can also customize the status colors for success, warning, and error. Gateway will use the fallback colors if a user-supplied theme does not specify the colors for success, warning, and error.

To change which theme BlueCat Gateway uses, set the ui_theme parameter in the General Configuration workflow to the name of the theme you want BlueCat Gateway to use.

Note: Do not modify the parameter "color_palette": "default". It is reserved for future use.