Developing workflows using the Address Manager RESTful v2 API - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 24.2

Gateway Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

The following information helps workflow developers understand how to develop custom worfklows on the BlueCat Gateway platform. A Gateway workflow enhances a Python Flask application, adding features to a BlueCat DDI solution. Usually a workflow does something in Address Manager based on a user request. The core of a workflow's functionality is written in Python.

When creating a workflow (which runs in a Gateway instance), you do not have to include code that logs into Address Manager or maintains user sessions. Gateway handles logging in and logging out to Address Manager: It creates any clients and all related objects needed to access the Address Manager REST API (either v1 or v2, based on the Gateway configuration). The developer can make use of these clients and objects when writing their workflow to make BAM API calls.