Module for the client to work with BlueCat Edge’s API.
Click a link to jump to the indicated section.
Bases: bluecat_libraries.http_client.client.Client
Client uses the requests library to communicate with the REST endpoints of DNS Edge.
authenticate(client_id, client_secret, refresh_token=False)
Log in to the DNS Edge CI using the access key set to retrieve a token and bearer type to populate the authorization header.
Parameters | Description |
client_id (str) |
Edge client ID. |
client_secret (str) |
Edge secret access key. |
refresh_token (bool, optional) |
Retrieve a new token even if logged in. |
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
New in version 20.6.1.
Clear token from client and session header
Delete all the API access key sets for the specified email address.
Parameters | Description |
email_address (str) |
Delete all the API access key sets associated with this email address |
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
New in version 20.6.1.
Delete the API access key set with the specified client ID for the current user.
Parameters | Description |
client_id (str) |
The client id that needs to be deleted. |
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
New in version 20.6.1.
Delete the namespace specified by the namespace ID.
Parameters | Description |
namespace_id (str) |
The ID of the namespace to delete. |
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
namespace_id = <namespace_id>
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
New in version 20.12.1.
Delete the domain list specified by the domain list ID.
Parameters | Description |
domain_list_id (str) |
Payload used to create a domain list. |
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
domain_list_id = "<domain_list_id>"
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
New in version 20.6.1.
Delete the site specified by the site ID.
Parameters | Description |
site_id (str) |
The ID of the site to delete. |
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
site_id = "<site_id>"
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
New in version 20.6.1.
Delete the policy specified by the policy ID.
Parameters | Description |
policy_id (str) |
The ID of the policy to delete. |
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
policy_id = "<policy_id>"
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
New in version 20.12.1.
Return the API access key sets for the current user.
Return type: list[dict]
Returns: API access key sets for the current user.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
results = client.get_v1_api_apikeys()
for result in results:
New in version 20.6.1.
get_v1_api_audit_logs(offset=None, limit=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, user_name=None)
Return the audit log records of API requests and responses.
Parameters | Description |
offset (str, optional) |
The number of records to skip, from the beginning of the log. |
limit (int, optional) |
The maximum number of records to retrieve. |
start_time (str, optional) |
The start time of the period to return logs for, in ISO_8601 format. |
end_time (str, optional) |
The end time of the period to return logs for, in ISO_8601 format. |
user_name (str, optional) |
To filter log records for a particular user, specify a user name. |
Return type: list
Returns: Audit log records of API requests and responses.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.get_v1_api_audit_logs()
for log in result:
New in version 20.6.1.
Return information about the user whose credentials were used to obtain the authorization token.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
current_user = client.get_v1_api_authentication_token_describe()
New in version 20.12.1.
get_v1_api_customer_dnsquerystats_count(start, downsample, end=None)
Return the total count of logged DNS queries per policy action type in a Customer Instance for any time interval within the last 24 hours.
Parameters | Description |
start (int) |
The start of the time range, in milliseconds since the Unix Epoch. |
downsample (int) |
The sample period in the returned dataset, in minutes. |
end (int, optional) |
The end of the time range, in milliseconds since the Unix Epoch. |
Return type: list[dict]
Returns: DNS query count results including columns: time, totalQueries, totalAllowed, totalMonitored, totalRedirected, totalNonMatched
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
start = 0 # Start of time range
downsample = 10 # Sample period of returned dataset
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
stats = client.get_v1_api_customer_dnsquerystats_count(start=start, downsample=downsample)
for stat in stats:
New in version 20.6.1.
get_v1_api_customer_dnsquerystats_topdomains(start, count, end=None)
Return the specified number of domains most frequently queried per Customer Instance for any time interval within the last 24 hours.
Parameters | Description |
start (int) |
The start of the time range, in milliseconds since the Unix Epoch. |
count (int) |
The number of domains to return. |
end (int, optional) |
The end of the time range, in milliseconds since the Unix Epoch. |
Return type: list[dict]
Returns: The most frequently queried domains info: domainName, hitcount
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
start = 0 # Start of time range
count = 10 # Number of results to return
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.get_v1_api_customer_dnsquerystats_topdomains(start=start, count=count)
for domain in result:
New in version 20.6.1.
get_v1_api_customer_dnsquerystats_uniqueip(start, end=None)
Return the total number of unique client IPs that issued DNS queries in a Customer Instance for any time interval within the last 24 hours.
Parameters | Description |
start (int) |
The start of the time range, in milliseconds since the Unix Epoch. |
end (int, optional) |
The end of the time range, in milliseconds since the Unix Epoch. Defaults to None. |
Return type: dict
Returns: Total number of unique client IPs that issued DNS queries in a Customer Instance with key “count”.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
start = 0 # Start of time range
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
stats = client.get_v1_api_customer_dnsquerystats_uniqueip(start=start)
New in version 20.6.1.
Gets a list of the site groups.
Return type: list[dict]
Returns: A list of all site groups.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.get_v1_api_customer_sitegroups()
for sp in result:
New in version 20.6.1.
get_v1_api_customer_sitesandsitegroups_search(name_contains=None, desired_result_count=None)
Return a list of the sites that match the specified search string.
Parameters | Description |
name_contains (str, optional) |
Search for site and site group names which contain the specified string. |
desired_result_count (int, optional) |
The maximum number of records to return. |
Return type: list[dict]
Returns: A list of the sites that match the specified search string.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
name_contains = "test" # search key word
desired_result_count = 10 # max number of records to return
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.get_v1_api_customer_sitesandsitegroups_search(name_contains=name_contains,
for s in result:
New in version 20.6.1.
Return a list of domain lists.
Return type: list
Returns: A list of domain lists
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.get_v1_api_list_dns()
for r in result:
New in version 20.12.1.
Return a list of domain lists.
Parameters | Description |
domain_list_id (str) |
The ID of the domain list. |
Return type: list
Returns: Domain names of the given domain list.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
domain_list_id = '3f76fe19-900d-47ff-b00c-c3cab6f40903' # domain list ID
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.v1_api_list_dns_by_id(domain_list_id=domain_list_id)
for r in result:
New in version 20.6.1.
get_v1_api_list_dns_search(name_contains, desired_result_count)
Return a list of domain lists with names containing the search fragment, stopping when the desired result count reaches.
Parameters | Description |
name_contains (str) |
Filter based on the name. |
desired_result_count (int) |
The maximum number of returned results. |
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.get_v1_api_list_dns_search(<name_contains>, 10)
New in version 20.12.1.
Return the specified system-maintained domain lists, including all of the domains in the list, and the last time each listed domain incurred DNS traffic identifying it as suspected tunneling.
Parameters | Description |
list_name (str) |
The name of the list |
Return type: list
Returns: The list of all the domains and the last time each listed domain incurred DNS traffic.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
query_id = <query_id>
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.get_v1_api_list_system('tunneling')
New in version 20.12.1.
Return the contents of the specified system-maintained domain lists in JSON or CSV format. Leave out the Accept parameter to retrieve a CSV list instead of JSON. For each domain, the last time the domain incurred DNS traffic identifying it as a suspect for tunneling, and the time when that domain clears from the list according to the system-level set TTL, are returned.
Parameters | Description |
list_name (str) |
The name of the list |
Return type: str
Returns: The contents of the specified system-maintained domain lists.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
query_id = <query_id>
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.get_v1_api_list_system_content('tunneling')
New in version 20.12.1.
Return the meta information for the specified system-maintained domain list.
Parameters | Description |
list_name (str) |
The name of the list |
Return type: dict
Returns: The system-maintained domain list meta information.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
query_id = <query_id>
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.get_v1_api_list_system_information('tunneling')
New in version 20.12.1.
Return a list of namespaces, or namespaces associated with the site specified by site ID, if specified.
Parameters | Description |
site_id (str, optional) |
The ID of the site. |
Return type: list[dict]
Returns: The namespaces (all or those associated with the given site).
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.get_v1_api_namespaces()
for ns in result:
New in version 20.12.1.
Return information of the namespace that matches the specified namespace ID.
Parameters | Description |
namespace_id (str) |
The ID of the namespace. |
Return type: dict
Returns: Information of the namespace including: id, name, description, forwarders, matchLists, exceptionLists, isDefault, associatedSiteSettings, ttl, umbrellaIntegrationId, latency
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
namespace_id = <namespace_id>
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.get_v1_api_namespaces_by_id(namespace_id=namespace_id)
New in version 20.12.1.
Return information about all currently registered service points.
Return type: list[dict]
Returns: Currently registered service points information including: id, name, siteId, lastSync, connectionState, connectionStateLastChanged, ipAddresses, loopbackIps, version, updateInitiatedTimestamp, updateStatus
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.get_v1_api_servicepoints()
for sp in result:
New in version 20.6.1.
Retrieve the automatic service point update settings.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
api_settings = client.get_v1_api_settings()
New in version 20.12.1.
Return a list of available service point versions, listed from the most recently released version to the oldest supported version.
Return type: list[str]
Returns: A list of available service point versions.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.get_v1_api_spversions()
for ver in result:
New in version 20.6.1.
Return the name, user email address, and timestamp when the current user accepted their Terms of Service.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
New in version 20.12.1.
Return the list of users.
Return type: list[dict]
Returns: A list of all users.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.get_v1_api_users()
for user in result:
New in version 20.12.1.
Returns the total count of logged DNS queries within 30 days for the specified site name.
Parameters | Description |
site_name (str) |
Site name to search for the count of DNS query logs |
Return type: dict
Returns: Count of logged DNS queries within 30 days for the specified site name.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
site_name = <site_name>
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.get_v2_api_customer_dnsquerylog_count(site_name=site_name)
New in version 20.12.1.
Download the base64 encoded service point configuration information, including:
the endpoint to connect to for registration
the certificate that the service point uses to authenticate to its endpoint
the service point manager endpoint
Parameters | Description |
site_id (str) |
The id of the site |
Return type: str
Returns: The base64 encoded service point configuration information.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
site_id = <site_id>
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.get_v2_api_spimage_config(site_id=site_id)
New in version 20.12.1.
Retrieve the status of the image generation.
Parameters | Description |
site_id (str) |
The id of the site |
Return type: dict
Returns: The status of the image generation along with other information.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
site_id = <site_id>
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.get_v2_api_spimage_status(site_id=site_id)
New in version 20.12.1.
Return a list of domain lists (that match the specified search string).
Parameters | Description |
name_contains (str, optional) |
Search for domains which contain the specified string. |
Return type: list[dict]
Returns: A list of domain lists (that match the specified search string).
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.get_v2_domainlists()
for r in result:
New in version 20.6.1.
Return a specific domain list.
Parameters | Description |
domain_list_id (str) |
The ID of the domain list to return. |
Return type: dict
Returns: Information of the domain list (that matches the given id) including: id, name, description, sourceType, domainCount, etc.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
domain_list_id = "<domain_list_id>"
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.get_v2_domainlists_by_id(domain_list_id=domain_list_id)
New in version 20.6.1.
Return a list of all (or optionally filtered) logged DNS queries.
Parameters | Description |
filters (dict, optional) |
The filters to narrow down the search result. The following filters (optional) can be used:
Return type: list[dict]
Returns: The DNS queries (all or filtered).
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
filters = {
"site_id": [<site_id_1>, <site_id_2>],
"source_ip": ""
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.get_v3_api_dnsquerylogs(filters=filters)
for q in result:
New in version 20.12.1.
Return the details for a specific query.
Parameters | Description |
query_id (str) |
The ID of the query. |
Return type: dict
Returns: Information of the DNS query including: time, source, siteId, query, queryType, response, id, actionTaken, matchedPolicies, authority, queryProtocol, threats, queriedNamespaces, latency
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
query_id = <query_id>
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.get_v3_api_dnsquerylogs_by_id(query_id=query_id)
New in version 20.12.1.
get_v3_api_sites(name=None, name_contains=None, fields=None, desired_result_count=None, namespace_id=None, overrides_forwarders=None)
Return information about all the sites.
Parameters | Description |
name (str, optional) |
Filter by the exact name of a site |
name_contains (str, optional) |
Filter sites by part of a site name. The name and name_contains parameters are mutually exclusive and shouldn’t be used at the same time. |
fields (str, optional) |
Fields to include in the response. Example: ?fields=id,name will return a response that contains only the sites’ IDs and names. |
desired_result_count (int, optional) |
The number of sites to include in the response. |
namespace_id (str, optional) |
Filter sites by a specific namespace ID. |
overrides_forwarders (bool, optional) |
Determine whether to include sites that have overriding forwarders for the specified namespace. Default is false. This parameter is only effective when used with the namespaceId parameter. |
Return type: list[dict]
Returns: Sites information including: id, name, location, settings, registeredServicePointCount, version, updateInitiatedTimestamp, updateStatus, blockedServicePointIds
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.get_v3_api_sites()
for sp in result:
New in version 20.6.1.
Return information of the site that matches the specified site ID.
Parameters | Description |
site_id (str) |
The ID of the site. |
Return type: dict
Returns: Information of the site including: id, name, location, settings, registeredServicePointCount, updateStatus, updateInitiatedTime, version, blockedServicePointIds
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
site_id = '3f76fe19-900d-47ff-b00c-c3cab6f40903' # Site ID
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.get_v3_api_sites_by_id(site_id=site_id)
New in version 20.6.1.
get_v5_api_policies(site_id=None, site_group_id=None, domain_list_id=None)
Get a list of all policies, or policies associated with a specified site, site group, or domain list.
Parameters | Description |
site_id (str, optional) |
Specify a site by site ID to search for policies associated with a site. |
site_group_id (str, optional) |
Specify a site group by site group ID to search for policies associated with a site group. |
domain_list_id (str, optional) |
Specify a domain list by domain list ID to search for policies associated with a domain list. |
Return type: list
Returns: A list of policies
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.get_v5_api_policies()
for r in result:
New in version 20.12.1.
Search for a policy by policy ID.
Parameters | Description |
policy_id (str) |
Specify a policy by ID to return. |
Return type: dict
Returns: Policy for the given policy ID.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.get_v5_api_policies_by_id(<policy_id>)
New in version 20.12.1.
Set (up to three) namespaces as defaults.
Parameters | Description |
namespaces (list[dict]) |
List of namespace names and flags. |
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
namespaces = [
"id": "<id of the namespace>",
"isDefault": "true" or "false"
"id": "<id of the other namespace>",
"isDefault": "true" or "false"
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
New in version 20.12.1.
patch_v2_domainlists(domain_list_id, domain_names_add=None, domain_names_remove=None)
Update the content of an existing domain list by adding or deleting domain names.
Parameters | Description |
domain_list_id (str) |
The ID of the domain list to update. |
domain_names_add (list, optional) |
The names of domains to add to the domain list. |
domain_names_remove (list, optional) |
The names of domains to remove from the domain list. |
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
domain_list_id = "<domain_list_id>"
domain_names_add = ["name-001", "name-002"]
domain_names_remove = ["name-003", "name-004"]
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
client.patch_v2_domainlists(domain_list_id=domain_list_id, domain_names_add=domain_names_add,
New in version 20.6.1.
Update the service point version of specified sites.
You must disable the automatic service point updates to use this API.
Parameters | Description |
payload (list[dict]) |
A list of the sites whose service points should be updated. It is possible to exclude certain service points from the operation. Each item in the list represents a site and options for it. |
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
payload = [
"id": "33709b0b-d429-45f1-8c82-51b2942a9133",
"version": "3.0.5",
"blockedServicePointIds": [
"id": "aaa0830d-4639-4210-9158-0ac6395e2396",
"version": "3.0.6"
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
New in version 20.12.1.
Create an API access key set for the current user.
Return type: dict
Returns: Dictionary containing clientId and clientSecret that is created.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
api_key = client.post_v1_api_apikeys()
New in version 20.6.1.
Create a new site group with the sites specified by site ID.
Parameters | Description |
payload (dict) |
Payload used to create a site group. |
Return type: dict
Returns: The details of the site group created.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
payload = {
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.post_v1_api_customer_sitegroups_create(payload=payload)
New in version 20.12.1.
Delete the site group specified by site group ID.
Parameters | Description |
site_group_id (int) |
The ID of the site group. |
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
site_group_id = 2
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.post_v1_api_customer_sitegroups_delete(site_group_id=site_group_id)
New in version 20.12.1.
post_v1_api_customer_sitegroups_update(site_group_id, payload)
Update the site group specified by site group ID with the new name, description, or sites.
Parameters | Description |
site_group_id (int) |
The ID of the site group. |
payload (dict) |
Payload used to update the site group. |
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
site_group_id = 2
payload = {
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.post_v1_api_customer_sitegroups_update(site_group_id=site_group_id, payload=payload)
New in version 20.12.1.
Create a domain list.
Parameters | Description |
payload (dict) |
Payload used to create a domain list. |
Return type: dict
Returns: The created domain list.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
payload = {
"name": "<domain-list-name>",
"description": "<domain-list-description>",
"sourceType": "user"
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.post_v1_api_list_dns(payload=payload)
New in version 20.12.1.
post_v1_api_list_dns_attachfile(domain_list_id, file_handle)
Upload a CSV file containing a list of domain names to an existing DNS list.
Parameters | Description |
domain_list_id (str) |
The ID of the domain list. |
file_handle (IO) |
File handle that contains the domains. |
Return type: dict
Returns: A dictionary containing a number of registered domains.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
with open('file.csv', 'r') as f:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.post_v1_api_list_dns_attachfile(<domain_list_id>, f)
New in version 20.12.1.
Delete the domain list specified by the domain list ID.
Parameters | Description |
domain_list_id (str) |
The ID of the domain list. |
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.post_v1_api_list_dns_delete(<domain_list_id>)
New in version 20.12.1.
post_v1_api_list_dns_sourceconfiguration(domain_list_id, payload)
Create a domain list sourced and dynamically updated from a local feed.
Parameters | Description |
domain_list_id (str) |
The ID of the domain list. |
payload (dict) |
Source configuration payload. |
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
payload = {
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.post_v1_api_list_dns_sourceconfiguration(<domain_list_id>, payload)
New in version 20.12.1.
post_v1_api_list_dns_update(domain_list_id, payload)
Update a domain list name, description, or source type.
Parameters | Description |
domain_list_id (str) |
The ID of the domain list to update. |
payload (dict) |
Payload used to update the domain list. |
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
domain_list_id = "<domain_list_id>"
payload = {
"name": "new domain list name",
"description": "new domain list description",
"sourceType": "dynamic"
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
client.post_v1_api_list_dns_update(domain_list_id, payload)
New in version 20.12.1.
Create a namespace.
Parameters | Description |
payload (dict) |
Payload used to create a namespace. |
Return type: str
Returns: The ID of the created namespace.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
payload = {
"name": "namespace",
"description": "this is a namespace",
"forwarders": ["", ""],
"matchLists": ["domainListId1", "domainListId2"],
"exceptionLists": ["domainListId1", "domainListId2"],
"umbrellaIntegrationId": "<id of umbrella integration>",
"ttl": 60
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.post_v1_api_namespaces(payload=payload)
New in version 20.12.1.
Create a new user. An email is sent to the user with a temporary password and instructions on how to log in and set a new password.
Parameters | Description |
payload (dict) |
Values for the user fields. |
Return type: str
Returns: The ID of the created user.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
payload = {
"email": "email address",
"name": "first and last name",
"status": "active | inactive"
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.post_v1_api_users(payload=payload)
New in version 20.12.1.
Retrieve an OVA image of the specified site.
Parameters | Description |
payload (dict) |
Payload (that contains site id) used to generate the OVA image. |
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
payload = {
"siteId": <site_id>
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.post_v2_api_spimage_generate(payload=payload)
New in version 20.12.1.
Create a domain list.
Parameters | Description |
payload (dict) |
Payload used to create a domain list. |
Return type: str
Returns: The ID of a new domain list.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
payload = {
"name": "<domain-list-name>",
"description": "<domain-list-description>",
"sourceType": "user"
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.post_v2_domainlists(payload=payload)
New in version 20.6.1.
Create a new site.
Parameters | Description |
payload (dict) |
Payload used to create a site. |
Return type: str
Returns: The ID of the created site.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
payload = {
"name": "<site-name>",
"location": {
"address": "<address>"
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
result = client.post_v3_api_sites(payload=payload)
New in version 20.6.1.
Clear the cache of a site.
Parameters | Description |
site_id (str) |
The ID of the site. |
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
site_id = "28c1b312-55e0-4dc4-8253-de7ae37db25d"
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
New in version 20.6.1.
Create a new policy.
Parameters | Description |
payload (dict) |
Payload used to create a policy. |
Return type: str
Returns: The ID of the created policy
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
New in version 20.12.1.
put_v1_api_namespaces(namespace_id, payload)
Update the namespace specified by the namespace ID. Note that all the fields are updated with this action, whether you specify values or not. If you leave a field out, its value will be overwritten with no data.
Parameters | Description |
namespace_id (str) |
The ID of the namespace to update. |
payload (dict) |
Payload used to update a namespace. |
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
namespace_id = <namespace_id>
payload = {
"name": "namespace",
"description": "this is a namespace",
"forwarders": ["", ""],
"matchLists": ["domainListId1", "domainListId2"],
"exceptionLists": ["domainListId1", "domainListId2"],
"umbrellaIntegrationId": "<id of umbrella integration>",
"ttl": 60
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
client.put_v1_api_namespaces(namespace_id=namespace_id, payload=payload)
New in version 20.12.1.
Update the automatic service point update settings.
Parameters | Description |
payload (dict) |
API parameters and their values |
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
payload = {
"spAutomaticUpdatesEnabled": "true" or "false"
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
New in version 20.12.1.
put_v1_api_users(user_id, payload)
Update the email address, name, role, and status of the user specified by the user ID.
Parameters | Description |
user_id (str) |
ID of the user to update. |
payload (dict) |
Values for the user fields. |
Return type: dict
Returns: The updated user.
You can’t update the email address of other users. You can only update your email address.
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
user_id = <user_id>
payload = {
"email":"new email address",
"name":"new name",
"role":"ADMIN | ANALYST",
"status":"active | inactive"
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
client.put_v1_api_users(user_id=user_id, payload=payload)
New in version 20.12.1.
put_v2_domainlists(domain_list_id, domain_names)
Replace all domains within a domain list by supplying a list of domain names.
Parameters | Description |
domain_list_id (str) |
The ID of the domain list to update. |
domain_names (list) |
The names of domains to replace existing with. |
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
domain_list_id = "<domain_list_id>"
domain_names = ["name-001", "name-002"]
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
client.put_v2_domainlists(domain_list_id=domain_list_id, domain_names=domain_names)
New in version 20.6.1.
put_v3_api_sites(site_id, payload)
Update an existing site. Note that all the parameters are updated with this action, whether you specify the values or not. If you leave a parameter out, its value will be overwritten with no data.
Parameters | Description |
site_id (str) |
The ID of the site. |
payload (dict) |
Site parameters and their new values. |
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
site_id = "28c1b312-55e0-4dc4-8253-de7ae37db25d"
payload = {
"name": "the new site name",
"location": {
"address": "123 Main St., Toronto",
"lng": "-79.3756671",
"lat": "43.6421529"
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
client.put_v3_api_sites(site_id, payload)
New in version 20.6.1.
put_v5_api_policies(policy_id, payload)
Update the policy specified by the policy ID. Note that all the fields are updated with this action, whether you specify any values or not. If you leave a field out, it’s value will be overwritten with no data.
Parameters | Description |
policy_id (str) |
The ID of the policy to update. |
payload (dict) |
Payload used to update the policy. |
from bluecat_libraries.edge.api import EdgeClient
policy_id = "<policy_id>"
with EdgeClient(<edge_ci_url>) as client:
client.authenticate(<client_id>, <client_secret>)
client.put_v5_api_policies(policy_id, <payload>)
New in version 20.12.1.