Editing a workflow script - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 24.2

Gateway Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

After the initial creation of a new workflow, you can start editing the workflow's _page.py file and other scripts to implement the desired functionality.

Files for the new workflow are created in the <bluecat_gateway> folder:


  • <bluecat_gateway> is the BlueCat Gateway folder.
  • <category_name> is the nested Workflow Category (and optional subcategory) that you specified when creating the workflow in Gateway.
  • <workflow_name> is the Workflow Name that you specified when creating the workflow in Gateway.

For example, if the workflow name was example_workflow and you entered a category of Examples, the files would be stored under <bluecat_gateway>/workflows/Examples/example_workflow.

While Gateway fills in each file with starter code, you can replace it with your own implementation. Once done, it can be called by any suitable REST client using Basic authentication.

The workflow script's app.route header

When implementing a workflow script, make sure that Flask's app.route() decorator is replaced with the @route() decorator. The @route() decorator enforces separation of namespaces between different workflows. If you don't use @route(), it is possible for function and endpoint name collisions to occur, especially when multiple people develop workflows at the same time.

Sample UI workflow scripts

# The workflow name must be the first part of any endpoints defined in this file.
# Doing otherwise risks collisions with other endpoint names, which can cause 
# unexpected results and behavior.
@route(app, '/example_workflow/example_workflow_endpoint')
def example_workflow_example_workflow_page():
    form = GenericFormTemplate()
    # Remove this line if your workflow does not need to select a configuration
    form.configuration.choices = util.get_configurations(default_val=True)
    return render_template(
        text=util.get_text(module_path(), config.language),
@route(app, '/example_workflow/form', methods=['POST'])
def example_workflow_example_workflow_page_form():
    form = GenericFormTemplate()
    # Remove this line if your workflow does not need to select a configuration
    form.configuration.choices = util.get_configurations(default_val=True)
    if not form.validate_on_submit():
        g.user.logger.info('Form data was not valid.')
        return render_template(
            text=util.get_text(module_path(), config.language),


    # Put form processing logic here
    flash('success', 'succeed')
    return redirect(url_for('example_workflowexample_workflow_example_workflow_page'))
Note: Examples in previous versions of the BlueCat Gateway Administration Guide included calls to g.user.get_options(). These calls are obsolete and can cause unexpected behavior or failures in workflow execution. If you used example scripts as a template for custom workflows, we strongly recommend that you remove this line from your workflow scripts.

Sample API workflow script

Since the new workflow was created as a REST API workflow, it will not show up on the Available Actions menu. As with UI workflows, Gateway creates new files for your new API in the <bluecat_gateway>/workflows/<category_name>/<workflow_name> folder.

When complete, your new API workflow can be called by any suitable REST client using Basic authentication.
# Copyright 2020 BlueCat Networks. All rights reserved.
from flask import request, g, abort, jsonify
from bluecat import route, util
from main_app import app
@route(app, '/example_rest_workflow/example_rest_workflow_endpoint', methods=['GET', 'PUT', 'POST'])
def example_rest_workflow_example_rest_workflow_page():
    # Put endpoint logic here
    return jsonify({"method": request.method})

Again, you can place your own implementation in this file. Once done, it can be called by any suitable REST client using Basic authentication.