Before you enable Single Sign-On (SSO), make sure you have configured all components in the SSO configuration page:
- Service Provider settings in the SAML section, which set up Gateway as a service provider for the Identity Provider (IdP)
- Identity Provider settings in the SAML section
- OAuth 2.0 settings in the OAuth section
- (Optional) Advanced settings for signing authorization and encryption in the SAML section, if needed
To enable SSO for Gateway:
If necessary, open the SSO Configuration window in Gateway. (Click the
Navigator button if necessary, then click .)
At the top of the page, select the Enable SSO checkbox.
Click Save (in the lower right corner).
We strongly recommend that you test your SSO connection right away.
To test SSO user logins, open a new browser session and log in to Gateway with the username and password of an SSO user.
To test API access, use an API testing tool like Postman to test the OAuth configuration in Address Manager. For more information, see the Postman documentation at
Tip: We recommend retesting the connection immediately after making any changes to any SSO configuration component.