HTTP and HTTPS Apache configuration files - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 24.1

Gateway Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway
Settings in global.conf (the Global Apache Configuration file) are applied to both of BlueCat Gateway's Apache servers. If you want to apply different settings to each server (or to only one of them), add those settings to these files instead:
  • http.conf defines Gateway's HTTP virtual host.

  • https.conf defines Gateway's HTTPS virtual host.

As with global.conf, any settings made within the Apache server itself are overridden. Any settings made within a server definition in these files override settings of the same name made in global.conf.

Important: Unlike global.conf, settings in http.conf or https.conf must be made within a virtual host definition (that is, within a <VirtualHost> tag). Defining settings outside a <VirtualHost> tag will have unpredictable results.
For example, the following sample https.conf file sets the ServerAdmin to for Gateway's HTTPS Apache server only:
# Sample virtualhost server definition.

<virtualhost *:8000>
    WSGIScriptAlias / /var/

If you include an http.conf or https.conf file, but with no virtualhost definition, That server will be disabled. This is useful if you want to force all communications to use the more secure HTTPS server: simply create a file named http.conf and leave it empty.

Click here to download an example HTTP Apache configuration file.

Click here to download an example HTTPS Apache configuration file.