Importing and exporting CSV files in DataTables - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 24.1

Gateway Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

The DataTables UI component lets you can import or export CSV (Comma-Separated Value) files within any workflow. DataTables is a plugin for the jQuery Javascript library that adds interactive features to an HTML table. By default, the Export CSV button is enabled in the BlueCat Gateway user interface.

To configure the import and/or export functionalities:

  • In <workflow_name>, that uses a data table (i.e., when the TableField class is instantiated), pass the buttons parameter.

  • Pass the parameter as required:

    • To enable both the Import CSV and Export CSV buttons:
      buttons = ['import', 'export']
    • To disable all the buttons:
      buttons = []
    Note: If the buttons parameter is not passed at all, the Export CSV button is enabled by default.