Importing workflows from a GitHub repository - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 22.11.1

Gateway Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

You can import workflows that are publicly available from the BlueCat Labs public GitHub repository or a private GitHub repository. BlueCat recommends this approach for new customers who want to start using BlueCat Gateway immediately. Your Gateway instance must have access to the Internet via ports 80/443 to use Git Import.

Note: If you are importing workflows from a private GitHub repository, you must provide a Git Auth token.

To import workflows from the BlueCat public GitHub repository:

  1. Log in to BlueCat Gateway.

  2. Click Administration > Workflow Management > Git Import.

  3. In the GitHub URL field, enter the URL for the workflow. The format of the URL must be the following: [github url]/archive/[branch].zip.

  4. If you are using a private GitHub repository, click Auth Credentials, then enter the token in the Auth Token field.

  5. (Optional) Select Clear Existing Workflows in Custom Workspace to delete the current workflows.

  6. Click Import.

  7. Click OK.

    When the import is done, refresh your browser page, then use the Configurations > Permissions page to configure permissions.