NodeRoleChanged class - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 24.2

Gateway Administration Guide

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BlueCat Gateway

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class availability_group.api.NodeRoleChanged(new_role, previous_role=None)

The event data that will be passed to callback functions in the case of event EventId.NODE_ROLE_CHANGED. Holds the new (now current) role and the previous role for the Gateway instance.

Parameters Description
new_role (str)

The new (now current) role of the node (Gateway instance) with respect to Availability groups.

previous_role (str)

The previous role of the node (Gateway instance) with respect to Availability groups.

New in version 22.11.1.

property new

The new role of the node.

Return type: str

property previous

The previous role of the node. The value may be None when Gateway is started for the first time.

Return type: str