Permissions are based on endpoints for pages within BlueCat Gateway. When Gateway administrators assign a specific permission to a user group, members of that group get access to that endpoint.
For example, the SSO configuration page has the endpoint (IP
. When you assign the
permission to the user group
, then members of mygroup
can view the SSO
configuration page and edit its settings.
To configure workflow permissions from the BlueCat Gateway UI:
Open the Permissions page. (Click the
Navigator button if necessary, then click .)
Gateway displays the a table of permissions (endpoint names), listing the Workflow they're associated with and the user groups to which they're assigned. To sort the table, click the Permissions header or Workflow header in the table.
In the table of permissions, click the permission you want to assign. A details pane for the permission appears.
Click Edit (in the lower right corner).
Edit the list of user groups assigned to the permission as desired.
To add a new usergroup:
Enter the name of the user group (or the value of the BlueCat UDF) to which you want to give access in the User groups field. Then, click the plus (+) symbol that appears to the right (or press Enter).
To remove a user group from the list:
Click the X next to the group name in the list under User groups.
All members of the groups in the list will have that permission and be able to access that endpoint (workflow).
When you're done, click Save.
To cancel your changes, click Cancel instead.
Note: You must log out and log back in for the changes to apply.