BlueCat Gateway can be integrated with most single sign-on (SSO) systems. Gateway supports SAML 2.0 for web-based SSO and OAuth 2.0 API authorization. Web-based SSO integration lets Gateway be part of your organization's SSO environment for consolidated user authentication and management. OAuth is an industry standard authorization solution that helps secure access to the Address Manager API.
In the SSO environment, BlueCat Gateway can be configured as a Service Provider (SP) and the user's credentials are authenticated by the Identity Provider (IdP). BlueCat Gateway supports both SP-initiated SSO and IdP-inititated SSO. For more information on how SAML works with BlueCat Gateway, see Single Sign-On.
The OAuth API authorization lets Gateway users access Address Manager's API endpoints with the Authorization Code Grant in the OAuth 2.0 specification. For more information on how OAuth works with BlueCat Gateway, see OAuth API Authorization.