TFTPFolder class - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 24.3.3

Gateway Administration Guide

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BlueCat Gateway

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class bluecat.tftp.TFTPFolder(api, api_entity)

Bases: bluecat.tftp.TFTPGroup

TFTP folders are used to create the directory structure on the TFTP server.

add_tftp_deployment_role(server_interface, properties='')

Adds a TFTP deployment role to a specified object.

Parameters Description
server_interface (Union[int, object])

The object ID/server interface object to which the TFTP deployment role is to be added.

properties (str, optional)

Adds object properties, including user-defined fields.

Return type: Entity

Returns: Added TFTP deployment role.

add_tftp_file(name, version, data, properties='')

Adds TFTP files

Parameters Description
name (str)

The name of the TFTP file.

version (str)

The version of the file.

data (str)

The file to be uploaded and distributed to clients by TFTP.

properties (str, optional)

Adds object properties, including comments and user-defined fields.

Return type: Entity

Returns: instance of TFTP File.

add_tftp_folder(name, properties='')

Adds a TFTP Folder to the TFTP group

Parameters Description
name (str)

The name of the TFTP folder.

properties (str, optional)

Adds object properties, including comments and user-defined fields.

Return type: Entity

Returns: instance of TFTP Folder