UserGroup class - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 22.11.1

Gateway Administration Guide

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BlueCat Gateway

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class bluecat.user_group.UserGroup(api, api_entity)

Bases: bluecat.entity.Entity

BAM user group entities.

add_access_right(entity_id, value, overrides='', properties='')

Parameters Description
entity_id id of an entity the access right is applied to.
value The value of the access right being added.
overrides A list of type-specific overrides.
properties A string including the following options:
  1. workflowLevel

  2. deploymentAllowed

  3. quickDeploymentAllowed

Returns: Object ID of a created Access Right.


Get an AccessRight for a specific entity.

Parameters Description
entity_id id of an entity the access right is applied to..

Returns: an AccessRight object.


Get an iterator for all access rights for a user group.