Using BlueCat Gateway - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 24.3.3

Gateway Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

BlueCat Gateway consists of a series of workflows that implement its features and functionality. Workflows in the Administration and Configurations categories in the left navigation menu of Gateway (which are referred to in this guide as Administrative workflows) implement core Gateway functionality. Adaptive apps or custom workflows can be added to Gateway for additional features.

Workflows don't necessarily have a UI, there are several common features in those that do.

Using tiles and the navigator to access workflows

When viewing Gateway on a browser, go to the following URL to display the Workflows page.

<Gateway URL>/index
Tip: By default, clicking the Home button also displays the Workflows page. You can change where the Home button goes in the Group settings.

The Workflows page displays all available workflows (features) as tiles. Tiles are displayed in alphabetical order. You can click a tile to jump to that page right away. Gateway shows only tiles available to the currently-logged in user (and only workflows that have an associated user interface).

You can also access workflows with a navigator of links on the left side of the screen. Within the navigator, workflows are organized in a tree structure. The navigator can be hidden or revealed as needed:

  • If the navigator isn't visible, click the Navigator button in the top left corner.

  • To hide the navigator again, click the Close Navigator button.

Drag-and-drop uploads

Sometimes a workflow requires you to upload a file to Gateway. In most cases, you can do so directly in the Gateway UI. Simply drag the file from a folder outside of the browser onto the indicated box. Or, click within the box and browse to the file's location.

If an uploaded file already exists, Gateway lists it under the box. Depending on the feature, you might be able to click the download button to download it.

Configuring item lists

In many places in Gateway, you'll be asked to configure a list of items, such as a list of URLs.

You can manipulate these lists as follows:

  • If the order of items is important, an item's place in that order appears in its top left corner.

    To change the order, drag an item by its "grip" handle () to its new spot.

  • To delete an item from a list completely, click the X in the corner of the item.

Note: Lists for which the order is not important do not have grip handles or order numbers.

Accessing the Gateway Administration Guide

To access the most up-to-date version of the guide (and versions from previous releases), visit our online Docs Portal at

To access an in-product version of the Gateway Administration Guide, click Help in the top right corner of the Gateway window and choose Gateway Administration Guide.

Logging in and out of Gateway

You must log in to Gateway to use it. When you log in, you'll have access to only those workflows and features that are assigned to the user group to which you're a member. To view the currently-logged in user and their user groups, click the Account button.

After a period of inactivity, you will be asked to log in again if you try to use or access a workflow. Until this happens, Gateway will continue to display the last page you viewed. To explicitly log out and return to the login screen, click the Account button and select Logout.