Using custom HTML templates - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 24.3.3

Gateway Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

When you create a workflow using the Create Workflow page (see Setting up a new Custom Workflow) under Available Actions, the generated HTML is similar to the example below:

{% extends "base.html" %}

{% block css %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/example_page.css?version={{ g.version | urlencode }}">
{% endblock %}

{% block title %}
{{ text['title'] }}
{% endblock %}

{% block heading %}
{{ text['title'] }}
{% endblock %}

{% block custom %}

    <p>{{ text['info'] }}</p>
    <!--Your page's HTML goes here.-->
    {% from "form_helper.html" import render_form %}
    {{ render_form(form, action=url_for('exampleexample_example_page_form'), id="example_page_form") }}

{% endblock %}

{% block scripts %}
<script src="js/example_page.js?version={{ g.version | urlencode }}"></script>
{% endblock %}

This template extends the base.html template provided by BlueCat. This means that the existing libraries will be kept up to date and any new JavaScript libraries are automatically included.

This library is suitable for most customers, except for those who rely on specific versions of a specific libraries or those who add additional libraries to their workflow. If this applies to you, BlueCat recommends you create your own HTML template to avoid library collisions in the future.

If your system requires customized CSS declarations, BlueCat recommends you instead create a custom UI theme and insert it in the file as the ui_theme parameter. Doing so makes sure those CSS customizations remain compatible in future updates. If you need further CSS customizations beyond those supported in a UI theme, you might need to set up your own HTML template as described above.