What's New in BlueCat Gateway v23.1 - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 23.1

Gateway Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

The following features and functionality are new in BlueCat Gateway v23.1:

Address Manager REST v2 API Client

This release includes a new Address Manager REST v2 API client that provides access to the Address Manager RESTful v2 API, introduced in BlueCat Address Manager 9.5. The previous BlueCat Address Manager API is now referred to as the Legacy v1 API.

Unlike the client for the Legacy v1 API, the REST v2 API client does not have a separate method for each BAM resource. Instead, it has Python methods for the different HTTP methods that a request can have. This minimal interface gives a workflow developer complete control over the expressiveness of the RESTful API.

For more details, see Developing workflows using the Address Manager RESTful v2 API.

Updated Debian and Python packages

This release updates several packages used by BlueCat Gateway to later versions. Doing so addresses several CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) warnings from security vulnerability scans.

Note: These warnings appear because data and information exchanged between the Debian project and RedHat (Quay) currently do not include all research by the Debian Security Team. In some cases, issues flagged by Quay and other security vendors have been determined not to exist in specific Debian packages. In others, the package was actually compiled with options that do not include or expose the indicated vulnerability.

Endpoint updates: New view function index

The index endpoint has been replaced with a new version that gets a page with a list of available actions (links) from available workflows. The View function for it is index.

The previous index endpoint has been renamed to home.

Note: If you want to preserve the previous behavior, any workflows that use url_for("index") should be updated to instead use url_for("home"). Otherwise, the returned URL will go to the new list of available actions.

New require_user decorator

The new decorator require_user (in bluecat.gateway.decorators) can be used to raise an exception when the view function is called but the request is not authenticated.