Workflow development quickstart - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 24.2

Gateway Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

A Gateway workflow is a Python package that extends the Flask web application that the Gateway platform runs. It adds functions to handle HTTP requests and produce responses. Usually, it interacts with BlueCat Address Manager to perform the tasks a user wants. The BlueCat Gateway platform provides to the workflow a client to access the Gateway API. It is already configured with the necessary authentication token for user sessions in Address Manager. The platform creates the user session in Address Manager upon the user login in Gateway. The workflow itself should not have to deal with logging in and logging out of Address Manager.

The following example defines an endpoint that takes in a BlueCat Address Manager configuration’s name and returns an HTTP response with a JSON-formatted body that contains the ID, name, and IP address of the server objects in that configuration.

Note: This example uses the Address Manager REST v2 API client, which provides access to the Address Manager RESTful v2 API. In order to use it, you must set the available Address Manager API client in your instance of Gateway to use the REST v2 API client (instead of the REST v1 client). For more details, see Setting the Address Manager REST API client version.

# file:

# Import tools from the web framework.
from flask import g, jsonify

# Import tools from the platform.
from bluecat import route
from bluecat.gateway.decorators import api_exc_handler, require_user
from main_app import app

def get_server_address(interfaces: list[dict]) -> str:
    """Determine the address of the server from the list of interfaces it has."""
    for interface in interfaces:
        if interface["type"] == "NetworkInterface":
            return interface["managementAddress"]
    return None

# Define a function to handle HTTP requests (a Flask view function).
@route(app, "/example/servers/<string:config_name>", methods=["GET"])
# If the function raises an exception, respond with a standardized error body.
# If the request is not authenticated, raise an exception.
def get_servers(config_name):
    # Get the client to BAM RESTful v2 API.
    client = g.user.bam_api.v2

    # Make a call to BAM RESTful v2 API.
    response = client.http_get(
            "filter": f"'{config_name}'",
            "fields": (
            "Accept": "application/json"
    # The response data contains list and a count.
    servers = response["data"]

    # Restructure the data from BAM into what the response should include.
    result = [
            "name": server["name"],
            "address": get_server_address(server["_embedded"]["interfaces"]),
        for server in servers

    # Respond with server names and addresses formatted as JSON response.
    return jsonify(result)        

The following file is also needed to add the example to the set of workflows included when Gateway is initialized.

# file:

type = "api"
sub_pages = [
        "name": "example1"

Place both files can in a folder named example1 in the workflows folder in the custom workspace.

Tip: What is a custom workspace? Gateway is distributed as a Docker image. When starting a container, you can mount /bluecat_gateway to a folder on the host. That folder becomes a custom workspace. A custom workspace lets you safely build workflows and changes without accidentally modifying core Gateway files.

How this works

The function get_servers will be called when an HTTP request is made to /example/servers/<configuration_name> . The Address Manager configuration’s name is passed as part of the URL path. route registers the handler in the application. Note that to avoid collisions between view function names by different workflows, you should use the route provided by the platform instead of the one from the application itself. Also, the first part of the path should be the name of the workflow.

The client to the Address Manager RESTful v2 API is obtained from g.user.bam_api.v2. This is an instance of class bluecat_libraries.address_manager.apiv2.Client. (For more details about this class, see Client class.)

Note: This workflow is intended to be part of a Gateway platform configured to use the Address Manager RESTful v2 API. If you must use the Address Manager Legacy v1 API, see Using the legacy Address Manager REST v1 API client.

The client’s authentication is already set for the Address Manager user session of the user making the request to Gateway. That allows the direct use of method http_get to make an HTTP GET request to Address Manager's RESTful API. The parameters are similar to the ones from Python package requests, which is used to make the actual call.

The HTTP request would look something like this:

GET https://<Address Manager IP Address>/api/v2/servers?{CONFGIRUATION_NAME}&fields=id,name,_embedded.interfaces.type,_embedded.interfaces.managementAddress,embed(interfaces) HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <Authentication scheme and token>
Accept: application/json

This request does the following:

  1. It requests server data from the servers resource.

  2. It requests only servers in a configuration with a certain name.

  3. It requests only fields that are necessary. The interface is embedded so that the address can be resolved from the retrieved fields.

  4. It requests that the format of the returned data be in JSON, without unnecessary extra HAL data.

Tip: All Address Manager RESTful v2 API endpoints and resources are documented in the interactive Swagger UI available on the Address Manager at: http://<Address Manager IP Address>/api/docs

For more details on the Address Manager RESTful v2 API itself, see the Address Manager RESTful v2 API Guide.