api_exception module - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 24.2

Gateway Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

A class representing API exceptions. Most of these are things returned by the BAM API but other errors (such as failure to SSH to a server and a non-zero exit from nsupdate) can also result in exceptions being raised.

exception bluecat.api_exception.APIException(message, details=None)

Bases: Exception

Create a new instance with a message and optional details. The content of these fields is not intended to be interpreted by software, but to appear near the top of a program to be easily seen and consumed by the user.

Parameters Description

Primary string describing why the exception was raised.


Details, where available, of the specific exception.


Get further details about the exception (may be None)


Get a message describing the exception.

exception bluecat.api_exception.AuthenticationError(message, status_code=None, payload=None)

Bases: bluecat.api_exception.RESTException

An error representing Invalid username or password.

code = 401

name = 'Unauthorized'

exception bluecat.api_exception.BAMException(message, details=None)

Bases: bluecat.api_exception.APIException

A class representing exceptions raised by BAM.

exception bluecat.api_exception.PortalConnectionError(message, status_code=None, payload=None)

Bases: bluecat.api_exception.RESTException

An error representing a Portal connection error which is not authentication.

code = 404

name = 'Not Found'

exception bluecat.api_exception.PortalException(message, details=None)

Bases: bluecat.api_exception.APIException

A class representing exceptions raised by the BlueCat Gateway.

exception bluecat.api_exception.RESTException(message, status_code=None, payload=None)

Bases: Exception

Base class for AuthenticationError and ConnectionError exceptions

code = 400


Returns: Return as a dictionary


Return the byte string representation of obj