Models representing all Address Manager object types supported in the API.
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Bases: dict
Model for the BAM API object type APIAccessRight.
Key entityId:
ID of the object to which the access right applies. Value type is int. Must be greater than 0.
Key userId:
The access right’s owner’s ID. Value type is int. Must be greater than 0.
Key value:
Value must be “HIDE”, “VIEW”, “ADD”, “CHANGE”, or “FULL”.
Key overrides:
(Optional) Override access rights of entityId
’s descendants (by default,
they inherit entityId
’s access right). Value type is dict[str, str]. Keys are object
types to be overriden; values are access right values.
Key properties:
(Optional) Additional properties on the access right. Value type is dict[str, str].
Parameters | Description |
data (dict[str, str]) |
Dict obtained by JSON-deserializing an APIAccessRight returned by a BAM endpoint. |
Return type: APIAccessRight
Returns: Access right object.
Parameters | Description |
data (dict[str, Any]) |
APIAccessRight object or dict equivalent. |
Return type: dict[str, str]
Returns: Dict that, once JSON-serialized, can be passed to BAM endpoints.
Bases: dict
Model for the BAM API object type APIData.
Key name:
The name of the probe to collect data. Value type is str.
Key properties:
Additional properties on the probe. Value must be list.
Parameters | Description |
data (dict[str, str]) |
Dict obtained by JSON-deserializing an APIData returned by a BAM endpoint. |
Return type: APIData
Returns: API Data object.
Bases: dict
Model for the BAM API object type APIDeploymentOption.
Key id:
The deployment option’s ID. Value type is int.
Key type:
The deployment option’s type. Must be a valid BAM option type.
Key name:
The deployment option’s name. Value type is str.
Key value:
Field values of the option. Value type is list[str].
Key properties:
(Optional) Additional properties on the deployment option. Value type is dict[str, str].
Parameters | Description |
data (dict[str, str]) |
Dict obtained by JSON-deserializing an APIDeploymentOption returned by a BAM endpoint. |
Return type: APIDeploymentOption
Returns: Deployment role object, or None if input’s id is 0.
Parameters | Description |
data (dict[str, Any]) |
APIDeploymentOption object or dict equivalent. |
Return type: dict[str, str]
Returns: Dict that, once JSON-serialized, can be passed to BAM endpoints.
Bases: dict
Model for the BAM API object type APIDeploymentRole.
Key id:
The deployment role’s ID. Value type is int.
Key type:
Key service:
Value must be “DNS”, “DHCP”, or “TFTP”.
Key entityId:
The deployed entity’s ID. Value type is int. Must be greater than 0.
Key serviceInterfaceId:
ID of the server interface being deployed into. Value type is int. Must be greater than 0.
Key properties:
(Optional) Additional properties on the deployment role. Value type is dict[str, str].
Parameters | Description |
data (dict[str, str]) |
Dict obtained by JSON-deserializing an APIDeploymentRole returned by a BAM endpoint. |
Return type: APIDeploymentRole
Returns: Deployment role object, or None if input’s id is 0.
Parameters | Description |
data (dict[str, Any]) |
APIDeploymentRole object or dict equivalent. |
Return type: dict[str, str]
Returns: Dict that, once JSON-serialized, can be passed to BAM endpoints.
Bases: dict
Model for the BAM API object type APIEntity.
Key id:
The entity’s ID. Value type is int.
Key name:
The entity’s name. Value type is str | None.
Key type:
The entity’s type. Must be a valid BAM object type.
Key properties:
(Optional) Additional properties on the entity. Value must be dict[str, str].
Parameters | Description |
data (dict[str, str]) |
Dict obtained by JSON-deserializing an APIEntity returned by a BAM endpoint. |
Return type: APIEntity
Returns: Entity object, or None if input’s id is 0.
Parameters | Description |
data (dict[str, Any]) |
APIEntity object or dict equivalent. |
Return type: dict[str, str]
Returns: Dict that, once JSON-serialized, can be passed to BAM endpoints.
Bases: dict
Model for the BAM API object type APIUserDefinedField.
Key name:
The UDF’s unique name. Value type is str.
Key displayName:
The UDF’s display name. Value type is str.
Key type:
The UDF’s type. Must be a valid BAM UDF type.
Key defaultValue:
The UDF’s default value. Value type is str.
Key required:
If true, users must enter data in the field. Value type is bool.
Key hideFromSearch:
If true, the UDF is hidden from search. Value type is bool.
Key validatorProperties:
(Optional) The UDF’s validation properties. Value type is dict[str, str].
Key predefinedValues:
(Optional) The UDF’s preset values. Value type is list[str].
Key properties:
(Optional) Additional properties on the UDF. Value type is dict[str, str].
Parameters | Description |
data (dict[str, str]) |
Dict obtained by JSON-deserializing an APIUserDefinedField returned by a BAM endpoint. |
Return type: APIUserDefinedField
Returns: UDF object.
Parameters | Description |
data (dict[str, Any]) |
APIUserDefinedField object or dict equivalent. |
Return type: dict[str, str]
Returns: Dict that, once JSON-serialized, can be passed to BAM endpoints.
Bases: dict
Model for the BAM API object type ResponsePolicySearchResult.
Key configId:
ID of the parent configuration in which the response policy item is configured. Value type is int.
Key parentIds:
IDs of parent response policy or response policy zone objects. Value type is list[int]. If policy item is associated with a Response Policy, it is the Response Policy object ID. If policy item is associated with BlueCat Security feed data, it is the RP Zone object ID.
Key name:
The response policy item’s name. Value type is str.
Key category:
The name of the BlueCat security feed category associated with the policy item. Value type is str | None.
Key policyType:
The response policy’s type. Value type is str.
Parameters | Description |
data (dict[str, str]) |
Dict obtained by JSON-deserializing a ResponsePolicySearchResult returned by a BAM endpoint. |
Return type: ResponsePolicySearchResult
Returns: Response policy search result object.
Bases: dict
Model for BAM history retention settings.
Key admin:
(Optional) The number of days of administrative history to keep in the database. Value type is int.
Key sessionEvent:
(Optional) The number of days of session event history to keep in the database. Value type is int.
Key ddns:
(Optional) The number of days of DDNS history to keep in the database. Value type is int.
Key dhcp:
(Optional) The number of days of DHCP history to keep in the database. Value type is int.
The value for sessionEvent must be greater than or equal to the value of each of the other types.
The input value for the retention periods (in days) must be greater than or equal to one.
Setting the value to -1 is equivalent to Retain Indefinitely in the BAM database.
Setting the DDNS and DHCP retention setting to 0 is equivalent to Do Not Retain, and these records no longer write to the database. So, if a user has enabled the audit data export feature, they will get no records written to their audit data.
Parameters | Description |
data (str) |
A value in the format returned by BAM method “updateRetentionSettings” that holds the ordered settings for: admin, sessionEvent, ddns, and dhcp. |
Return type: RetentionSettings
Returns: Retention settings object.
Parameters | Description |
data (dict[str, Any]) |
RetentionSettings object or dict equivalent. |
Return type: dict
Returns: Dict that, once JSON-serialized, can be passed to BAM endpoints.
Bases: dict
Model for the structure describing User-Defined Link definitions used by Address Manager’s API.
Starting from Address Manager v9.4.0, the option description is supported.
The maximum length of this field is 512 characters.
If the description field is not specified, it will be null.
On upgrading from Address Manager v9.3.0, the description for the existing links will be populated as null.
Key linkType:
The UDL’s unique name. Value type is str. Cannot be a reserved link type name and cannot start with “BCN_”.
Key displayName:
The UDL’s name as displayed in BAM. Value type is str.
Key sourceEntityTypes:
The UDL’s source entity types. Value type is list[str].
Key destinationEntityTypes:
The UDL’s destination entity types. Value type is list[str].
Key description:
(Optional) The description for the user-defined link.
Parameters | Description |
data (dict[str, str]) |
Dict obtained by JSON-deserializing a UDL returned by a BAM endpoint. |
Return type: UDLDefinition
Returns: UDL definition object.
Parameters | Description |
data (dict[str, Any]) |
UDLDefinition object or dict equivalent. |
Return type: str
Returns: JSON-encoded string that can be passed to BAM endpoints.
Bases: dict
Model for the structure describing User-Defined Link relationships used by Address Manager’s API.
Starting from Address Manager v9.4.0, the option description and destinationEntityIds are supported.
Key linkType:
The UDL’s link type. Value type is str.
Key sourceEntityId:
The UDL’s source entity ID. Value type is int.
Key description:
(optional) The description for the user-defined link.
Key destinationEntityId:
(Optional) The UDL’s destination entity ID. Value type is int.
Key destinationEntityIds:
(Optional) The list of UDL’s destination entity ID, comma-separated inside square brackets.
Parameters | Description |
data (dict[str, str]) |
Dict obtained by JSON-deserializing the result of UDLRelationship.to_raw_model(<something>). |
Return type: UDLRelationship
Returns: UDL relationship object.
Parameters | Description |
data (dict[str, Any]) |
UDLRelationship object or dict equivalent. |
Return type: str
Returns: JSON-encoded string that can be passed to BAM endpoints.