Helper utilities for the BlueCat Python API. This collection of functions provide extra functionality a lot of API methods and workflows use.
Click a link to jump to the indicated section.
Bases: html.parser.HTMLParser
Custom HTML parser to search for tags. Sets found_tag True if tag found
handle_starttag(tag, attrs)
Performs autologin using provided function, which should return username and password. Logs out and cleans up the session after workflow endpoint is called. Warning: This decorator is intended for REST endpoints only and might not work if used against UI endpoints.
Parameters | Description |
get_autologin |
a function to retrieve username and password for autologin. |
(container, n)
Given an iterable container, divide and return chunks of size n.
Parameters | Description |
container (Union[list, tuple]) |
A List or tuple that needs to be chunked. |
n (int) |
Number of items in each chunk. |
Return type: Iterator
Returns: Generator that yields chunks of items of size <= n.
CIDR to binary
Return type: str
(root_dir, cur_dir)
Recursively delete directory cur_dir until reaching parent directory root_dir
Parameters | Description |
root_dir (str) |
Parent directory to delete until |
cur_dir (str) |
Direct child or sub directory to analyze for deletion |
Generates a function with a list of validator functions.
Parameters | Description |
validators |
a list of functions that take Entity object as only parameter and return bool |
Returns: a function that combines validation of the validators taken in
A wrapped validator that returns a validator for filtering by configuration. Also an example of writing validators.
Parameters | Description |
config_ids (list) |
a list of Configuration id, if None, return Entities with a Configuration |
Returns: a validator function that if an Entity’s parent Configuration is in config_ids
(encrypted_token, key=None)
Decrypts token using key, config.secret_key will be used, if not provided.
Return type: bytes
(name=None, path='customizations/.secret', key=None)
Decrypt the file given in path and find the key associated with the given name. Returns the key if found, otherwise will throw a PortalException.
Parameters | Description |
name (str) |
A human readable name for the desired key that was used in the encrypt_key_to_file method for the key. If no name is provided the method will return the entire unencrypted contents of the file. |
path |
The path (including the filename) where the encrypted file is stored. |
key (Union[bytes, str, NoneType]) |
The secret token for decrypting the encrypted file. The default token for the Portal server will be used if nothing is provided. The token must be a URL-safe base64-encoded 32-byte string; config.secret_key will be used if key is not provided. |
Returns: The found key as a string.
This function does not support the built-in workspace. For a consistent behaviour it is recommended to use bluecat.gateway.platform.Platform.decrypt_value_from_file instead.
This function will likely be deprecated in a future release.
(token, key=None)
Encrypts token using key, config.secret_key will be used, if not provided.
Return type: bytes
(token, name=None, path='customizations/.secret', key=None)
Encrypt the given name, token pair into a file specified by path. The token can later be retrieved using the name with the decrypt_key_from_file method. An optional token can be specified which is the secret used to encrypt the token and is required to decrypt it if a custom one was provided for this method.
Parameters | Description |
name (str) |
A human readable name for the token that will be used in decrypt_key_from_file to retrieve the correct token. Cannot contain special characters such as “=”. If no name is provided the method will only write the encrypted password to the file. This will overwrite any other contents the file may have. |
token (bytes) |
Sensitive information to be encrypted such as a password. |
path |
The path (including the filename) where the encrypted file should be stored. |
key (Union[bytes, str, NoneType]) |
The secret token used in the encryption process. This is necessary to decrypt the encrypted file and if provided should be stored securely and must not be shared. The token must be a URL-safe base64-encoded 32-byte string; config.secret_key will be used if key is not provided. |
Returns: None
This function does not support the built-in workspace. For a consistent behaviour it is recommended to use bluecat.gateway.platform.Platform.encrypt_value_from_file instead.
This function will likely be deprecated in a future release.
Catches uncaught exceptions inside workflow endpoints and flashes standardized message to user.
Parameters | Description |
func |
function being wrapped, supplied by automatically as a python decorator. |
Returns: redirect to home.
(entity_generator, filters=None)
Filter a generator of Entities with a list of filters with itertools.ifilter
Parameters | Description |
entity_generator (Iterator) |
a generator of entity objects |
filters (list) |
a list of filters |
Returns: an filtered iterator
(cidr, subnetwork_size)
Given a CIDR address, calculate the number of subnets given the number of addresses contained within a subnet.
Parameters | Description |
cidr (str) |
CIDR Address e.g. (“”) |
subnetwork_size (int) |
Number of addresses contained in each subnet |
Return type: int
Returns: Number of adresses avaialble
Return the broadcast and network address of a subnet
Parameters | Description |
cidr (str) |
Network CIDR (e.g. |
Return type: dict
Returns: Network and broadcast address in JSON format
Get a list of configurations for display in a drop-down menu box.
Return type: list
Returns: List of configuration ID, configuration name tuples.
Extracting encoded password from file and with key that defined in configuration file.
Parameters | Description |
password_path_option |
path to a password file. |
Return type: str
Returns: password
This function does not support the built-in workspace. For a consistent behaviour it is recommended to use bluecat.gateway.platform.Platform.decrypt_value_from_file instead.
This function will likely be deprecated in a future release.
Returns Database pointer
(workflow_dir, language)
Get text of given language from workflow_dir.
Return type: dict
Returns: Dictionary of text results.
Check for none response for anything that you would normally expect to return an entity.
Parameters | Description |
response |
API response from BAM. |
Return type: bool
Returns: True if response contains an object representing a valid found entity in BAM, otherwise False.
Turn a 32-bit integer into an IPv4 address string.
Return type: str
Turn an IP address string into a 32-bit integer.
Return type: int
Verifies if provided string is a valid string to ba a domain name.
Return type: bool
Figure out if a string is a valid IPv4 address.
Return type: bool
Figure out if a string is a valid IPv6 address.
Return type: bool
For given netlocation checks whether it is a valid IPv4 Address or IPv6 Address or Domain Name.
Parameters | Description |
netloc (str) |
The IPv4 Address or IPv6 Address or Domain Name to be checked. |
Return type: bool
Returns: True if it is a valid IPv4 Address or IPv6 Address or Domain Name and False otherwise.
Turn a dictionary of properties into a BAM property string.
Return type: str
Force browser to not cache wrapped view and reload it every time.
Parameters | Description |
func |
The wrapped view. |
Returns: Decorated function.
From given url parse out the domain or IP address of the URL.
Parameters | Description |
url (str) |
The URL to parse. |
Return type: str
Returns: IP address or domain name as a string, empty string if parsing failed.
Parses property input that is in a list or dictionary form and converts it to a string of property=value separated by ‘|’ pipe characters
Parameters | Description |
properties (str) |
list or dictionary containing properties. |
Return type: str
Returns: properties in form of a string with property=value separated by ‘|’ pipe characters format.
Turn a string of BAM properties into a dictionary of name->value.
properties: string in the form ‘a=b|c=d|…’
Return type: dict
Returns: a dictionary with parsed properties.
(ip, username='', password='', sleep=False)
Not Tested! Removes a BDDS from BAM control
Parameters | Description |
username (str) |
The administrator username of the BDDS. |
password (str) |
The administrator password of the BDDS. |
ip (str) |
IP address of the BDDS. |
sleep (bool) |
Boolean to give BDDS time to recover after the operation. |
Return type: bool
Returns: False if there is an error removing from control. True otherwise.
Catches uncaught exceptions inside workflow endpoints and raises 500 HTTP error with standardized message.
Parameters | Description |
func |
function being wrapped, supplied by automatically as a python decorator. |
Returns: HTTP error.
Checks that the user has permission for the view that was called. Returns a 401 to the user if they do not have permission.
Parameters | Description |
workflow |
The name of the workflow the view is in and that permission was set for. |
(hostname, username='', password='', cmd='', timeout=30, **kwargs)
Execute a single SSH command.
Parameters | Description |
hostname (str) |
Hostname or IPv4/IPv6 address of the remote server. |
username (str) |
Username to login to remote server if no key found. |
password (str) |
Password to login to remote server if no key found. |
cmd (str) |
One-liner command to execute on remote system via SSH. |
timeout (int) |
Time to wait for command to execute. |
kwargs |
Additional keyword arguments supported by paramiko.SSHClient.connect(). |
Return type: tuple
Returns: A tuple: stdout, stderr.
Return the byte string representation of obj
Configure parameters for MongoDB, and prepare Database pointer
UI security response headers attached to browser’s response
Parameters | Description |
func |
The wrapped view. |
Returns: Decorated function.
Check if provided string is a valid partial IPv4 address
Return type: bool
Checks that the user has permission for the view that was called. Returns user to home if they do not have permission.
Parameters | Description |
workflow |
The name of the workflow the view is in and that permission was set for. |
Returns: The generated function decorator.