Additional Gateway setup when authenticating with BlueCat Address Manager - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 24.3.1

Gateway Installation Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

When authenticating Gateway with BlueCat Address Manager, there is additional setup after you install the Gateway image.

  1. You must set up a UDF (User-Defined Field) in BlueCat Address Manager named BlueCatGateway. The BlueCatGateway UDF is necessary for BlueCat Gateway users to have access to BlueCat Gateway workflows and operations.

    For more details, see Creating the BlueCatGateway UDF.

  2. You must set up a user named BlueCatGateway in BlueCat Address Manager for Gateway to use.

    For more details, see Creating the BlueCatGateway user in Address Manager.

  3. (Optional) Depending on your system needs and usage, you might need to set the Address Manager session timeout. By default, the timeout is 20 minutes.

    For more details, see Setting the Address Manager session timeout.

Note: If you are installing BlueCat Gateway or BlueCat Adaptive Applications & Plugins on Integrity 9.3.1 or 9.4, also see Gateway Service on DNS/DHCP Server in the Address Manager Administration Guide.