If your Linux host machine is behind a firewall, you must first pull the BlueCat Gateway image on a separate Linux machine with Internet connectivity,
and then copy the image to the host machine.
To install BlueCat Gateway behind a firewall:
From the Linux console of a separate machine, run the following command to pull
the BlueCat Gateway image from the public repository:
docker pull quay.io/bluecat/gateway:v21.11.2
Run the following command to save the Docker image as a .tar file:
docker save -o <path_for_generated_tar_file> quay.io/bluecat/gateway
Copy the image to the BlueCat Gateway host machine.
From the Linux console of the BlueCat Gateway host machine, run the following
docker load -i <path_to_image_tar_file>
Run the following command to start the container:
docker run -d \
-p 80:8000 \
-p 443:44300 \
-v <path_to_workspace>:/bluecat_gateway/ \
-v <path_to_workspace>:/logs/ \
-e BAM_IP=<your bam ip> \
--name bluecat_gateway quay.io/bluecat/gateway:v21.11.2