Installing BlueCat Gateway - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 24.3.1

Gateway Installation Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

BlueCat Gateway is delivered as a container image published in a public BlueCat cloud registry on You do not need a account to pull the BlueCat Gateway image. Use Docker commands in the Linux CLI to pull the image, then to run, stop, start, or remove containers. For a list of commonly used Docker commands, refer to Common Docker commands.

You can also obtain the image as a tar file from BlueCat Customer Care. For more information, refer to Installing BlueCat Gateway from Customer Care.

If your Linux host machine is behind a firewall, you must first pull the BlueCat Gateway image on a separate Linux machine with Internet connectivity, and then copy the image to the host machine.

Before you start, make sure you do the following:

  • Make sure the Gateway HTTPS Session Cookie is enabled by default

Setting up your workspace and logs directories

Before first installing BlueCat Gateway v24.3.1, BlueCat strongly recommends you define the workspace and logs directories used by Gateway and mount them to Docker volumes or to folders on the host machine using bind mounts. This makes sure that data and logs are not lost if the Gateway container is shut down.
  • The workspace directory: A workspace is the logical location for you to place your workflows and associated data, including configurations, libraries, requirements, permissions, and customizations. A workspace can be a Docker volume or a folder on your local machine.

    For more information, refer to the Workspaces section in the BlueCat Gateway Administration Guide.

  • The logs directory: A logs directory can be a Docker volume or a folder on your local machine.


BlueCat recommends that customers map Docker volumes for the workspace and for the log directory. Volumes are completely managed by Docker, which means that you do not need to set permissions manually when using Docker volumes. This is also the recommended practice for Docker containers.

If you prefer to mount data and log volumes to your local machine, you must manually set rwx (read, write, execute) permissions to those directories before running the container.

If you do not map data or log volumes to your local machine during installation, BlueCat Gateway will write all the data to the container by default. If you then stop or restart the container, all this data will be lost.

To set rwx permissions for external volumes, run the following command:
chmod -R o=rwx <Mapped volume>