Logging into BlueCat Gateway - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 24.3.1

Gateway Installation Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

After installing Gateway for the first time, you can log in and out of BlueCat Gateway and view the web-based help and documentation.

Note: BlueCat recommends that you not exceed 1500 concurrent user sessions when working with BlueCat Gateway.

To log in to BlueCat Gateway:

  1. From your browser, navigate to the FQDN or IP address of BlueCat Gateway.

  2. If necessary, from the BAM Selection drop-down menu, select the IP address or alias of a BAM server.

  3. Enter the user name and password of the BlueCat Gateway user that you previously created on the selected BAM server.

  4. Click Log in. The main BlueCat Gateway window opens.

    Attention: HTTPS session cookies are enabled by default

    For improved security and compliance, by default the Gateway session cookie is sent only under an HTTPS connection. The first time a user logs in using with an HTTPS URL, accept the certificate.

    If you instead prefer to use HTTP (not recommended), pass the following environment variable as part of the docker run command when instantiating the Gateway container:

    Note: The BlueCat Gateway banner remains static at the top of the page. This banner displays the IP address of the selected Address Manager server. To view the currently-logged in user and their user groups, click the Account button.
  5. To log out, click the Account button and select Logout.

For more details on using and configuring Gateway features, click Help in the top right corner of the Gateway window and choose Gateway Administration Guide.

Tip: To access the most up-to-date version of the guide (and versions from previous releases), visit our online Docs Portal at https://docs.bluecatnetworks.com.

If you are logged in as a Gateway administrator, you will have access to all Gateway Administrative workflows from Navigator on the left side of the window or the default home page. If the navigator isn't visible, click the Navigator button in the top left corner.

If you are logged in as a non-administrator user and do not see the workflows that you need to use, ask a Gateway administrator to grant you permissions to the necessary workflows.