Setting Gateway folder permissions for logs and workflows - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 24.3.1

Gateway Installation Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

BlueCat Gateway requires additional configuration in order to create session log files and store new workflows. Also, the Flask user inside the container must have access permissions to read and write to files inside the logging folder (typically /logs) and the Gateway workflows folder.

  • Redirect Docker container logs: Within the Docker container, redirect any logs that are in docker logs and the /logs folder to an external folder on the host file system. Consult your Docker documentation for more details on how to do so.
  • Set access permissions for the external log folder: On the external log folder to which you mapped the Docker container logs, enable write and execute permissions for other users who are not in the folder's group. To do so, run the following command:
    chmod -R o=rwx <mapped logs folder>
    This command gives the Flask user ownership of the mapped logs folder on your machine.
  • Set access permissions for the Gateway workflow folder: On the mapped bluecat_gateway folder, enable read, write, and execute permissions for other users who are not in the folder's group. To do so, with the container running, run the following command:
    chmod -R o=rwx <mapped bluecat_gateway folder>
    Doing so lets Gateway read and write workflows and configuration information from the bluecat_gateway folder.