Setting the Address Manager session timeout - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 24.3.1

Gateway Installation Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway
By default, the Address Manager session timeout is 20 minutes. If a user’s session is inactive for the specified period of time, or there are no API calls made to BAM, Address Manager closes that session. BlueCat advises that all Gateway customers to set the BAM Session Timeout to allow sufficient time for their automated REST workflows or self-service UI workflows to execute.
Note: BlueCat Gateway does not use an idle timeout for the user interface. However, if you are logged in to the Gateway user interface and have not modified the BAM Session Timeout, BAM will timeout if there is 20 minutes of inactivity.

To set the BAM session timeout:

  1. Select the Administration tab. Tabs remember the page on which you last worked, so select the Administration tab again to ensure you are working on the Administration page.

  2. Under General, click Global Settings. The Global Settings page opens.

  3. Under Session Timeout, select a timeout value from the drop-down list. If a user's session is inactive for the specified period of time, Address Manager closes that session. The user must log in again to continue working with Address Manager. The default setting is 20 minutes.

    To set a custom timeout value, select Custom from the Session timeout value drop-down menu. Once selecting Custom, additional fields appear. Set the custom session timeout value in seconds, minutes, hours or days.

  4. Under Change Control, add comments to describe the changes. By default, this step is optional but might be set as a requirement.

  5. Click Update.