Upgrading BlueCat DNS Integrity Gateway - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 21.11.2

Gateway Installation Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

Upgrade the version of BlueCat DNS Integrity Gateway you are currently running to the latest version.

Note: The following actions must be performed prior to completing the steps described in this task:
  1. Stop the DNS Integrity Gateway container by running the following command:
    docker stop bluecat_gateway
  2. Remove the existing DNS Integrity Gateway container by running the following command:
    docker rm bluecat_gateway
    Note: Removing the DNS Integrity Gateway container will not remove your workspace or logging data as these are saved via directories mapped to either your local machine or to Docker volumes.
Upgrading BlueCat DNS Integrity Gateway involves executing the same docker run command used for installation and mapping to your existing workspace and logging directories.
To upgrade BlueCat DNS Integrity Gateway:
Note: When upgrading DNS Integrity Gateway, the existing configuration data and workflows are used.
  1. Run the following command to pull the image and start the DNS Integrity Gateway container:
    docker run -d \
    -p 80:8000 \
    -p 443:44300 \
    -v <path_to_workspace>:/bluecat_gateway/ \
    -v <path_to_mapped_log_directory>:/logs/ \
    -e BAM_IP=<your bam ip> \
    --name bluecat_gateway quay.io/bluecat/gateway:<version_of_gateway>
    Note: If you are using RHEL-compiled Docker, you must add :Z at the end of the file path for any mapped volume. For example: -v <path_to_workspace>:/bluecat_gateway/:Z
  2. From your browser, connect to BlueCat DNS Integrity Gateway
    This completes the DNS Integrity Gateway upgrade process.