If you are using BlueCat Gateway with multiple BAM servers, you can configure Gateway to display a drop-down menu of BAM servers on the login page.
To use Gateway with multiple BAM servers:
Execute the following docker run command for the initial setup of the container. In this step, you must set the BAM IP as an environment variable.
docker run -d \ -p 80:8000 \ -p 443:44300 \ -v <path_to_workspace>:/bluecat_gateway/ \ -v <path_to_mapped_log_directory>:/logs/ \ -e BAM_IP=<your bam ip or url> \ --name bluecat_gateway quay.io/bluecat/gateway:24.3.1
Log in to BlueCat Gateway.
From the General Configuration Workflow page, enter the necessary BAM IPs and aliases, then click Save.
Log out of BlueCat Gateway.
On the login page, you can select a BAM server from the BAM Selection drop-down menu.